Wanna make God laugh?
Tell him your plans.
So the truth is I had a piece full of fire, ideological fervor and passion all fired up and ready to write and then life got in the way.
I had planned to show you the results of my canvas print experiment. You know back on May 20 I told you about Staples great deal on prints on canvas and said I was going to do it and share the results with you? You do remember that? If not speak to your doctor right away or simply go back through the blog archive.
Anyway I did it and got the result and it wasn’t what I thought it should be so I wrote another piece about how it had turned out and how it wasn’t exactly right and you should use caution, but if you thought it was worth a try then you should get Peggy to do it for you cause she is the Print Miester and then I said I would be publishing pictures of the result along with the original file so you could see for yourself and I did take pictures…
And they don’t show a thing. Apparently the white balance setting on my camera adjusts the wrong color back to the right color so the shots I’ve taken so far look much like the original file and not at all like the canvas and that means I have nothing to show for half a day;s work and now I’m up against it cause I have a writer’s workshop this afternoon and won’t get to crawl inside my camera and figure out why it insists on doing the thing right instead of the way I want which is wrong, but right for the story I want to do and if it corrects the picture back to the right colors then I have nothing to show, dontcha see?
So, I’m putting the great unveiling off for another day and going to my writer’s workshop where no doubt I’ll find that I have been doing it all wrong cause I’m a hack and I write hack stories and these guys usually burn to do great literature and don’t even know that Dashiell Hammett was one of the greatest American writers of all time and Raymond Chandler did more for the written word than all of the Great Expectations which has caused more people to quit reading than all of the ipods and ipads put together.
But you see I do want to find a publisher and have my stories appear in print even if the market for what I write died out when the Pulps were driven out of business by the gimlet-eyed folks of the American Decency League and why is sex and violence okay on television and in movies, but will rot kids minds if you let it appear in magazines which cost a quarter and have excessively lurid covers featuring nekkid girls tied up being whipped or nekkid girls in the hands of leering torturers which will be reveled as Nazis later in chapter five and the good guys will have something great to fight for cause you can’t leave even girls who get nekkid in the hands of leering Nazis.
Just remember that while literature makes English teachers all warm and snuggly it was Erle Stanley Gardner and Edgar Rice Burroughs who brought us Perry Mason and Tarzan and where would we be without Perry to right all the wrongs of the legal system and the ole vine swinger to keep the jungles free for democracy?
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Maritime Dinner
19th Annual Maritime Dinner
Silent Auction Fundraiser
Saturday, July 14, 2011
5:00 - 8:00pm
Coos Art Museum – Maggie Karl Gallery
Dinner provided by
The Coach House
Seafood Extravaganza
Oysters, Prawns, Wild Alaskan Cod, Tuna
Veggies, Salad, Potato and Sm. Dessert
No-Host Beer and Wine Bar
Doors open at 5:00
Dinner at 6:00
Silent Auction Closes 7:00
$40.00 for current CAM Members
$45.00 for non-CAM Members
Half year memberships available that night
Ticket Sales at CAM
Invitations will be mailed the end of June
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
It happens to everyone, but we never talk about it. It’s something you won’t even share with your most intimate partner, something so dark, so completely painful and terrifying that it just doesn’t get mentioned in polite society. Even the fearless talking heads of the news reader shows won’t say a word about it. And if you think for a second gangs or serial killers, foreign dictators or world annihilation are the scariest things you can face you are so wrong. I have a dentist’s appointment this morning.
Now facing the dentist is bad. You know that the reason you are going there is so shameful it can’t bare talking about, cannot be condoned or admitted, there’s something wrong in your mouth.
Even in the waiting room people don’t speak. Why would you? You know that everyone there has some lurking horror in their mouths. And there’s no way to alleviate the tension, the waiting room is stocked with magazines so old that the headlines read, “Will Clinton Beat Bush?”
Then there’s the art. Or can you call it art? Ships in gray seascapes with gulls and maybe a playful otter, and I have nothing against furry sea mammals or boats, but they are presented in such a way as to offer no offense to anyone. Can anything designed to be completely neutral be exciting, eye-catching or compelling?
So there you sit waiting to go back and have the techs fill your mouth with tools and then ask conversational questions. Try to answer intelligently with a scaler in your mouth.
And then the dentist comes in and starts to cluck cause you know you haven’t done all of the things they told you to do the last time you were there. Or, there’s something really wrong and it needs to be fixed.
Fortunately modern dentistry has come up with the prefect anesthetic, shock. When you find out how much it is going to cost to fix the problem in your mouth you will curl into a fetal ball and slip quietly into a coma.
Now my dentist is a good guy, who actually listens. There are medical folks who by virtue of their vast education and extensive schooling have lost the ability to hear. They nod and tilt their heads and you think they are listening to every word and then they go and do what they were going to do in the first place.
Which is a good thing cause I don’t actually know a lot about dentistry and I find it particularly hard to work inside my mouth while lying on my back and I don’t know much about drugs except for that time, ten or so years in the Sixties, but then maybe because of the drugs I don’t have much recall from that whole decade so maybe it’s a good idea to have someone who was too young to enjoy the Sixties and was in school learning all that stuff and might actually have access to a PDR, (Physicians Desk Reference) which is a much better way to learn about the effects of drugs and their interactions than by trail and error and the evidence of Keith Richards and Steven Tyler should be plenty to scare anyone straight, so a trained dentist is the way to go, but maybe you should use your own skills to do something about their office?
While they were up to their elbows in receding gums and questionable teeth you were out gathering images and experiences to make into undying art so it seems reasonable to let the dentist do the dentisting and you do something about the horrible, boring, ordinary art in their office.
There is nothing that will make going to the dentist a pleasure trip, there’s no cruise director Julie on the dock and Tatoo won’t come running in screaming, “De Pain, de Pain…!”, sorry dentists are now painless, but if you compare it to something really awful like being eaten by a shark or an IRS audit going to the dentist starts to look really good.
And you can help your professional service provider by offering to share your art in his or her waiting room. They do things you can’t do to keep you doing the things that you can do so why don’t you do the thing you can do to make their thing doing an exciting experience for those trapped in a waiting room?
Want a really challenging idea for a reality show, put a dozen dirty people in bikinis in a waiting room and tell then if they can’t find one article more current than the end of World War II, an unpaid intern borrowed from the oyster farm will do their fillings. Now that my friends is a real Survivor challenge!
Now facing the dentist is bad. You know that the reason you are going there is so shameful it can’t bare talking about, cannot be condoned or admitted, there’s something wrong in your mouth.
Even in the waiting room people don’t speak. Why would you? You know that everyone there has some lurking horror in their mouths. And there’s no way to alleviate the tension, the waiting room is stocked with magazines so old that the headlines read, “Will Clinton Beat Bush?”
Then there’s the art. Or can you call it art? Ships in gray seascapes with gulls and maybe a playful otter, and I have nothing against furry sea mammals or boats, but they are presented in such a way as to offer no offense to anyone. Can anything designed to be completely neutral be exciting, eye-catching or compelling?
So there you sit waiting to go back and have the techs fill your mouth with tools and then ask conversational questions. Try to answer intelligently with a scaler in your mouth.
And then the dentist comes in and starts to cluck cause you know you haven’t done all of the things they told you to do the last time you were there. Or, there’s something really wrong and it needs to be fixed.
Fortunately modern dentistry has come up with the prefect anesthetic, shock. When you find out how much it is going to cost to fix the problem in your mouth you will curl into a fetal ball and slip quietly into a coma.
Now my dentist is a good guy, who actually listens. There are medical folks who by virtue of their vast education and extensive schooling have lost the ability to hear. They nod and tilt their heads and you think they are listening to every word and then they go and do what they were going to do in the first place.
Which is a good thing cause I don’t actually know a lot about dentistry and I find it particularly hard to work inside my mouth while lying on my back and I don’t know much about drugs except for that time, ten or so years in the Sixties, but then maybe because of the drugs I don’t have much recall from that whole decade so maybe it’s a good idea to have someone who was too young to enjoy the Sixties and was in school learning all that stuff and might actually have access to a PDR, (Physicians Desk Reference) which is a much better way to learn about the effects of drugs and their interactions than by trail and error and the evidence of Keith Richards and Steven Tyler should be plenty to scare anyone straight, so a trained dentist is the way to go, but maybe you should use your own skills to do something about their office?
While they were up to their elbows in receding gums and questionable teeth you were out gathering images and experiences to make into undying art so it seems reasonable to let the dentist do the dentisting and you do something about the horrible, boring, ordinary art in their office.
There is nothing that will make going to the dentist a pleasure trip, there’s no cruise director Julie on the dock and Tatoo won’t come running in screaming, “De Pain, de Pain…!”, sorry dentists are now painless, but if you compare it to something really awful like being eaten by a shark or an IRS audit going to the dentist starts to look really good.
And you can help your professional service provider by offering to share your art in his or her waiting room. They do things you can’t do to keep you doing the things that you can do so why don’t you do the thing you can do to make their thing doing an exciting experience for those trapped in a waiting room?
Want a really challenging idea for a reality show, put a dozen dirty people in bikinis in a waiting room and tell then if they can’t find one article more current than the end of World War II, an unpaid intern borrowed from the oyster farm will do their fillings. Now that my friends is a real Survivor challenge!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
You know I am a photographer so there’s no point in pretending I don’t get propaganda from photographer’s sites, newsletters and bulletins, I do. And once in a great while I get something that is not only useful to me, but I think ought to be shared with you and that’s what happened today.
To tell the truth I don’t even remember how I got on this list, but I am glad I did.
Take this article for instance, you know I am always harping on marketing, marketing, marketing and this is one of the reasons why. If you don’t you won’t…grow, develop or sell your work and that would be a shame.
I’ve met talented artists in this area who do not for some reason show. They have the skills, they produce great work, but they just can’t work up the whatever to show.
Notice I didn’t say courage even though it does take guts to show, no, courage is unique to each artist and I would never question anyone’s passion by implying they lack the courage to show. But if you don’t show you are lacking…
And this guy is right, it doesn’t matter what you look like when you are working, but when you go out to sell or show you’d better look substantial. Folks with money have a very narrow view of what sort of person they will trust and they won’t trust you if you dress like Shaggy on Scooby-Doo.
Have you been to the museum to take a long serious look at Expressions West? No, not many have and for the life of me I can’t figure out why. The show is one of the best we’ve had since I came to Coos Bay. The images are varied and imaginative, the work skilled and well crafted and the show is beautifully displayed. But it ain’t the usual birds and flowers. MWO you know who you are has a wicked sense of humor and has created an image which conveys both that sense of humor and a devilish world view.
Walk in through the door and you’ll see a working man complete with tools just waiting for the go ahead to make the building soar. Watch out for the rubber duckies and the extremely contortionistic athletic ladies doing things with their bodies God never intended for anything which is not now a pretzel. Who knew you could do that?
It’s all about seeing something different and letting that difference drive your creativity to new heights.
Okay, I’ll admit I’m no hotter for statements than I am for meetings, but there are those who find this sort of thing helps and me, I think if you get passion by painting yourself blue and running nekkid through Pony Village Mall then go ahead and do it. Watch out for little old ladies and kiddies cause they might be shocked at seeing all those jiggley bits doing the 1812 Overture, but who knows it might just be the inspiration they need to embark on a life of artistic expression. Maybe not.
There’s so much more to this newsletter and I have to admire anyone who takes up RV living on a permanent basis. I drove from Texas with nine cats, three dogs and a wife in a 30 and a half foot RV over Donner Pass and lived to tell the tale, but it only took eight days and when we landed we bolted from the RV like Bang Gunly! (Obscure Stan Freiberg reference, if you don’t know you should and if you do you are probably humming about Puffed Grass.)
So take a look and really look don’t just click on the links I supplied. Take a look at the whole enchilada. You’ll be better for it and might just manage to learn something from a photographer, oh my!
To tell the truth I don’t even remember how I got on this list, but I am glad I did.
Take this article for instance, you know I am always harping on marketing, marketing, marketing and this is one of the reasons why. If you don’t you won’t…grow, develop or sell your work and that would be a shame.
I’ve met talented artists in this area who do not for some reason show. They have the skills, they produce great work, but they just can’t work up the whatever to show.
Notice I didn’t say courage even though it does take guts to show, no, courage is unique to each artist and I would never question anyone’s passion by implying they lack the courage to show. But if you don’t show you are lacking…
And this guy is right, it doesn’t matter what you look like when you are working, but when you go out to sell or show you’d better look substantial. Folks with money have a very narrow view of what sort of person they will trust and they won’t trust you if you dress like Shaggy on Scooby-Doo.
Have you been to the museum to take a long serious look at Expressions West? No, not many have and for the life of me I can’t figure out why. The show is one of the best we’ve had since I came to Coos Bay. The images are varied and imaginative, the work skilled and well crafted and the show is beautifully displayed. But it ain’t the usual birds and flowers. MWO you know who you are has a wicked sense of humor and has created an image which conveys both that sense of humor and a devilish world view.
Walk in through the door and you’ll see a working man complete with tools just waiting for the go ahead to make the building soar. Watch out for the rubber duckies and the extremely contortionistic athletic ladies doing things with their bodies God never intended for anything which is not now a pretzel. Who knew you could do that?
It’s all about seeing something different and letting that difference drive your creativity to new heights.
Okay, I’ll admit I’m no hotter for statements than I am for meetings, but there are those who find this sort of thing helps and me, I think if you get passion by painting yourself blue and running nekkid through Pony Village Mall then go ahead and do it. Watch out for little old ladies and kiddies cause they might be shocked at seeing all those jiggley bits doing the 1812 Overture, but who knows it might just be the inspiration they need to embark on a life of artistic expression. Maybe not.
There’s so much more to this newsletter and I have to admire anyone who takes up RV living on a permanent basis. I drove from Texas with nine cats, three dogs and a wife in a 30 and a half foot RV over Donner Pass and lived to tell the tale, but it only took eight days and when we landed we bolted from the RV like Bang Gunly! (Obscure Stan Freiberg reference, if you don’t know you should and if you do you are probably humming about Puffed Grass.)
So take a look and really look don’t just click on the links I supplied. Take a look at the whole enchilada. You’ll be better for it and might just manage to learn something from a photographer, oh my!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Wave the Flag
I hope there were enough food, fun and family for you this Memorial Day.
It and all of the other treats we take so lightly was provided by some soldier who went in harm’s way so that you could kick back and burn hot dogs.
Now I am not suggesting you aren’t grateful or that you disdain the sacrifices our armed service members so gallantly supply, but have you tried to celebrate their hard work in the one way you alone are capable of doing?
You’re an artist. You have great power and as someone recently said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” You have the skill and the gift to take a simple image and make it into a completely story.
Let’s look back a hundred or so years, that’s right just about the time the Ole Trawler was growing permanent teeth, and think about what artists contributed to our fighting men. (Women weren’t yet allowed to fight which was a terrible oversight cause anyone who has come home a tiny bit late or watched the game instead of doing the trash or mowing the lawn can tell you women scare the hell out of most guys and the very thought of a coupla hundred women with guns and bombs coming at men they don’t have to live with or bully around later in the day would make any sane man run for the hills.)
Back in those bygone days the only thing women could contribute was their images and they did.
Yes, it is a bit sexist and dated but at the time it was red hot with a bullet stuff. You don’t get guys off the sofa with the recruiting poster showing a dozen sweaty men cowering in front of a drill sergeant in the rain while doing calisthenics. No, quite rightly men do not find cowering men all that attractive. You want to motivate a guy you need goils. That’s why they have ladies night and don’t think for a minute bar owners believe that girls are stupid enough to believe that if they get cheap drinks one night they will get them again the next night even if it isn’t ladies night and they also know that the real reason why they should come to ladies night is not cheap hooch which is probably well booze anyway but because cheap drinks for women will bring men out faster than a sale at L.L. Bean.
So putting a cute goil in a sailor’s suit makes perfect sense. And fashion designers caught on even if the rest of the world didn’t because they have been putting women in sailor suits ever since.
Then there was Rosie. When the next war came along we got caught flat-footed, with our pants down, head in the sand, unprepared and holding the bag, so who had to get busy and get the war machine going full blast? Not the guys, they were all lined up at the Draft Board getting poked and prodded and stamped ready for service, no it was women who had to shoulder the tool belt and make those B29s so that we could drop the bomb on ole Hitler.
And who epitomized the working woman? Rosie the Riveter. Now most people believe that it was Norman Rockwell who created Rosie and in that they would be right. Norman’s Rosie was a real American working girl with a sandwich in one hand and a rivet gun in the other, blue coveralls, welding goggles and red hair and a don’t mess with me attitude, Mr. Hitler.
But while Rockwell had the right idea the Rosie who fired our collective rockets and sent warplanes over Berlin and Tokyo, was J. Howard Miller’s little girl with the red bandana and bulging muscles, clear eyed and tight lipped and ready for trouble. “We Can Do It” shouted Rosie and by heaven we could.
But then came the troubled years of the Cold war, there was Korea, nobody knew exactly why we were fighting or what for and if they did they weren’t sharing and shortly after that came Viet Nam where most of us knew what we were fighting for and didn’t much like it and it became fashionable for artsy folks to stick up their noses at the military and the fighting guys and avoid any connection with the war-mongering, capitalist dogs.
So nearly three generations of fighting men came home to a place they tried to keep safe and found that it didn’t much want them and couldn’t they just go back where they came from?
Kids and boys and girls of all ages I am here to tell you it is time we got over that. The men and now women who do so much and ask for so little deserve all of the support and affection we can muster even if the guys sending them out to do what ever the guys think they should be doing don’t know their ass from third base, the troops deserve respect, support and anything else we can give them.
And art is the one thing we are uniquely able to do. For the better part of two thousand years celebrating warriors was half of the stock and trade of any working artist. The Church supplied the other half and sometimes the whole banana.
We have folks who have spent several lifetimes in a sandy hell and what do they get when they come home? Unemployment. It just ain’t right.
On this day, when we are asked to remember the men and women who have fallen in the service of OUR country, what have you done to celebrate the fighting folks of this land? If the answer is nothing, I know where you should start come Tuesday.
Make Memorial Day a day when artists bang the drum the loudest, splash the colors the widest, do the mostest, cause the guys you welcome and support are the ones who gave you the chance to be so nuts and get paid for it.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Spring in Oregon
Just time to dash off a quick look at some of the wonders of an Oregon Spring. We live so close to Shore Acres State Park it would be a shame to let Spring slip by and not take in the beauty waiting there. Si I did that very thing and will over the course of a coupla days share on this blog and on my alternative site Mycroft's Art some of the pictures I captured there and on the way there. if they inspire you, if they challenge you, if they entice you, feel free to paint, draw or pot any or all of them. They are posted for your use and I hope that they will make you rush into your studio and start working.,
I told you about this fantastic opportunity some time ago. There she sits, rotting away and why haven't you gone to get a picture before time and the sea take this grand old lady to her final rest? I did this and its okay, but the angle is wrong and the shot could be better so I will go back and try for a higher perch so I can shoot over the bushes and get her. I'm thinking low tide is the prefect time but maybe you have some other idea?
We often forget what is there in our own yard. I planted this bulb three years ago. My sister-in-law gave me a bag of blubs she had been to busy to plant and i managed to salvage three bulbs from the dozen. they went in the ground and only two survived the winter but three years later and look at what I got.
These are called Pokies, please no sophomoric humor, and they lived in spite of what I did to them. I planted them and I have a :"Black Thumb." But they overcame their tragic start in life and have decided that i should get the rewards even if I don't deserve it.
So what have you overlooked that may be lurking in your own yard just waiting for you to slow down, smell the roses or pokies or iris and make them immortal in your art?
I told you about this fantastic opportunity some time ago. There she sits, rotting away and why haven't you gone to get a picture before time and the sea take this grand old lady to her final rest? I did this and its okay, but the angle is wrong and the shot could be better so I will go back and try for a higher perch so I can shoot over the bushes and get her. I'm thinking low tide is the prefect time but maybe you have some other idea?
We often forget what is there in our own yard. I planted this bulb three years ago. My sister-in-law gave me a bag of blubs she had been to busy to plant and i managed to salvage three bulbs from the dozen. they went in the ground and only two survived the winter but three years later and look at what I got.
These are called Pokies, please no sophomoric humor, and they lived in spite of what I did to them. I planted them and I have a :"Black Thumb." But they overcame their tragic start in life and have decided that i should get the rewards even if I don't deserve it.
So what have you overlooked that may be lurking in your own yard just waiting for you to slow down, smell the roses or pokies or iris and make them immortal in your art?
Friday, May 25, 2012
Ava Richey's Art News
Hello Everyone,
Since we got rained out last Monday we will try again this Monday at the same place.
This Monday, May 28th, 12 - 3 p.m. the paintout will be at 4th SW and Garfield Street in Bandon. It's the dead-end street near the old Cypress tree that leans out over 4th Street/Ocean Drive.
Bring a sack lunch and beverage if you like.
My phone number 541-297-6118.
Art Information:
FYI: New listings have asterisks ***** next to the date.
If any of the web links below in blue are not "live", meaning if you click on it and it doesn't take you to the website,--- right click on it and choose copy, then open your internet web browser, left click on the web address window at the top to highlight it, then right click and paste the web link into your browser and hit enter. The site should open.
Bandon Artist Supply, winter hours: Wednesdays through Saturdays 10 -5 p.m. Closed Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. 541-347-4482 or 541-297-6118
Art by the Sea Studio and Gallery, in the Continuum Building/Old Town Bandon. Open every day except Tuesday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wall art, prints, cards, jewelry, pottery, etc. of local South Coast artists.
Artists' Accomplishments:
We want to honor the achievements of all you artists, so don't be shy about sending the highlights of your art lives, or those of your artist friends.
Fundraiser for a No-Kill Cat Shelter in Portland:
"The House of Dreams Art Show and Sale" takes place in Portland.
Nancy DeGroot, a plein air painter who divides her time between Portland and Bandon is looking for artists willing to donate art to be auctioned off to benefit a no-kill cat shelter in Portland.
She is in Bandon until Saturday at Noon. If you would like to donate a piece of art to this worthy cause please drop off work at Bandon Artist Supply between now and Saturday Noon.
Current Shows:
Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence
See Call to Artists in the last section below....
Bandon Public Library May 2012
In the glass cases: "Monsters, Gargoyles and Friends"--- paintings & clay sculptures by the Arts and After School Culture Club at Harbor Lights Middle School and Bandon High School Art Class.
In the hallway gallery: "Mom and the Girls" ---a three generational show of diverse art by Elaine Owens, her daughters Deborah Whitworth, Dawn Vonderlin, Dana Williams, and Dana's daughter Natasha Stulz.
Black Market Gourmet, 495 Central Ave, Coos Bay. Open Tuesday - Friday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. 541-269-0194
Friday, May 17th, 5 - 8 p.m. Opening for photography show by Robert Levy
Chetco Community Library, Brookings
Features Audi Stanton's "Chasing Challenges in Paint". You will see several styles of Audi's diverse artwork at the Library
Coos Art Museum 235 Anderson Ave. Coos Bay 541-267-3901
"Expression West 2012", and "In Fine Form:Figures by
Four", and "Photographic Synthesis," works by the Oregon Coast
Photographers. The four artists in the figure show are: Alexandra Eyer--Watercolor & Oil; Lorraine Filippone--Acrylic & Oil; Pat Renner--Watercolor & Acrylic; J.M. Steele--Oil & Acrylic
BAAA Artist of the Month for May at Coos Art Museum is Charles of Charleston.
Coos Bay Library 525 West Anderson, Coos Bay
Wall Display:and Lobby Features the wonderful marine art prints and originals of Don McMichael.
Coquille Valley Art Center 10144 Hwy 42, Coquille 541-396-3294
May 5 - June 2nd "Impressions of Old City Hall"
Hours are Monday through Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Congratulations to Michael W.Ousley who has a painting displayed in this show.
Coquille Valley Hospital, 940 E. 5th Street, Coquille, OR
Crystal Dolphin Gallery
1901 Sherman Ave, North Bend, 541-756-1989
Easy Lane Frames & Select Gallery
3440 Broadway, North Bend, 541-756-7638
April 6 - May 30 "The Color of Spring",
Emerald Art Center http://www.emeraldartcenter.org/
500 Main Street, Springfield 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday
Evergreen Court, Baycrest Village, 451 O'Connell St., North Bend, OR
"All-in-One" Solo Art Exhibit featuring paintings by S L Donaldson.
Show runs May 1 - June 30, 2012
Fairbanks Gallery located on campus at OSU in Corvallis. Free, open to the public Mon.- Thurs. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Fridays 8 - 12 noon. Contact Douglas Russell at 541-737-5009, or drussell@oregonstate.edu
To see artwork created by Douglas Russell go to Coos Art Museum, upstairs, where Doug's work is currently showing in conjunction with "Expressions West 2012" in which he was the juror.
Florence Events Center
715 Quince Street, Florence Call for more info at 541-997-1994
Freshwater Gallery 236-B, HWY 101, Port Orford 541-332-8019
"Where Does Heat Go", features oil paintings of Geoffrey Rhoads. Opening reception Friday, May 4th, 4:00 p.m. - 7 p.m. Show continues through Memorial Day weekend Port Orford Art Walk event.
Sunday, May 27th Art Walk 3 - 6:00 p.m.
Gallery by the Bay 2100 Union Ave, North Bend
Kay Van Wart--Mixed media and Watercolor; Pamela Rose--exhuberant acrylics; Ina Christensen--pastel, watercolor, pen & ink paintings; Matt Vegar from Dragonclaw Studio--one of a kind jewelry pieces.
Gallery on the Bay 541-888-3771 Oils & Pastels of Birds & Animals
Hawthorne Gallery, 517 Jefferson St., Port Orford
Sunday, May 27th --ArtWalk 3 - 6:00 p.m.
High Tide Cafe, Charleston
Rod Sullens is the featured artist this month, along with other artists including Michael W. Ousley and Mike Holm.
Open 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays.
Langlois Public Library 48234 Hwy 101, Langlois, OR 97450
Hours: Mon. 11a.m.-2 p.m., Tues-Fri. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Manley Art Center 433 Oak Street, Brookings, OR 541-469-1807
Link to the calendar:
May Artist of the month is Cathy Dean, showing watercolors.
Maude Kerns Gallery 1910 East 15th Ave, Eugene, OR 541-345-1571
Silent Witness:Parvin Butte, OR Photographs by John Bauguess. May 14 - 18th. Opens Monday, May 14th, 6 - 8 p.m. The show bears witness to the mining of a historical natural resource near Dexter.
MECCA (Materials Exchange Center for Community Arts), 449 Willamette Street, Eugene
North Bend Library, Conference Room 541-756-0400
May 2012 South Coast Women in Photography
Avena Singh, Suzy Piatt, Lisa Philips, Tracy Fawns and Patricia Davidson (curator)
Old City Hall-- 99 E. Second Street, Corner of Second & Adams, Coquille
Contact Nella Abbott at 541-824-0779 for information.
Pony Village Mall:
Artists' Loft, 541-756-4088
Glenn Smith, Photography; Guest Artist Carolyn LeGrand featuring watercolors with ink and more.
Cone 9 Local artists featured
East Wing Art Wall (by JoAnn's) Sherry Howk
Sterling Savings Bank
May features paintings by Magda Druzdel.
Harry Ritchie's Jewelers: Artwork of Cheryl LeVesque and Beebe Slater
Turner Art Studio & Gallery, Ste 128, 541-290-7858
Port Orford Library April through June
Sheila Oberg and Andy Anderson
Raincoast Gallery
Featuring work of many local artists.
Gallery is open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily except Tuesdays.
Second Street Gallery, 210 2nd Street, Old Town Bandon
http://www.secondstreetgallery.net/ 541-347-4133 or e-mail at
Fourth Annual Miniature & Small Works Exhibition
Show runs April, May and June, 2012
Signatures Gallery, 515 Chetco Avenue, Brookings, OR 541-469-1085 or
541-661-0132 http://www.signaturesgallery.com/
South Slough Interpretive Center, Charleston -- in the William Q. Wick Auditorium 541-888-5558
March 3rd - May 31st Features"Tropism", S.L. Donaldson's vibrant acrylic and ink paintings convey impacts of various stimuli.
Southern Coos Hospital & Health Care
April 22nd - June "Weather Report--Art Inspired by the Weather"
Triangle Square Gallery 343 6th Avenue, Port Orford, OR
***Oleh Lysiak See his fabulous mobile sculptures
"Reasonably Unruly"
Sunday, May 27th Artwalk-- hors d'oeuvres and music 5-7 p.m.
Umpqua Valley Arts Center, 1625 W. Harvard, Roseburg
541-672-2532 http://www.uvarts.com/
"Artworks NW" opens in the Hallie Brown Ford Gallery. Show runs through July 6, 2012
"Photoworks NW" opens in the Red Gallery. Show runs through July 6, 2012
"WSO's Traveling Aqueous Exhibit" opens in the Corridor Gallery and the Alcove Gallery.
"Seasons of Color" by Andrew Duclos opens in Gallery II.
U.S. Bank--Coquille
Works by Joanne Drapkin; Victoria Tierney's paintings of Coos County Parks for the 30 Parks by 30 Artists Show; selected works from "TIME" - A Statewide Traveling Show of Oregon Prison Art.
Whistling Gallery
87456 Ste. A, Whistling Drive, Bandon (located in Laurel Grove, 5 milessouth of Bandon.) A variety of artists showing 2-d and
3-d work.
Also in charge of showing work at Billy Smoothboar's and other venues forthose artists interested in showing their work, contact Vickie.
541-404-7336, or whistlinggallery@gmail.com
Mitch Baird is holding a plein air painting workshop that covers the fundamental principles of painting and composition as well as learning to 'see' as an artist. Drawing, value, color and edges will be stressed as well as building a strong design from the elements of nature. Two day for $200. June 2nd & 3rd. On Sauvie Island near Portland, OR. to register contact Mitch at mitch@mitchbaird.com
Art 101/ Washed Ashore The Purple Yurt, 5 miles south of Bandon on Hwy 101, 541-250-1140
or info@washedashore.org
Sculpture Building Workshop at The Exploratorium in San Francisco, April 18 - 21st
New Workshop Hours: Thursdays, 5 - 8 p.m. and Sundays 2 - 5:00 p.m.
Volunteer Workshops to build "Leo the Leopard Shark" Have a hand in constructing the newest member of the Washed Ashore family. This work is designed to permanently reside at the Chula Vista Nataure Center in San Diego, CA. The sculpture consists of 100% ocean going debris (plastics and more). Help inspire others to do something about this problem by building this eye-catching sculpture.
Art by the Sea, Gallery & Studio 175 2nd St, Continuum Bldg., Old Town Bandon, 541-297-6118
Saturday, June 2, 2012 1 -3:00 p.m. Flower Printing Workshop with Joanne B. Drapkin. Learn how to create flower, herb or leaf prints. Take home 5 note cards, 1 laminated coaster and colorful practice sheets.
Contact Joanne at 541-347-8179, or sign up at Art by the Sea. $15 jbdrap1550@yahoo.com
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Watercolor Workshop: Learn the Lifting technique. $25 Instructor Victoria Tierney. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information call 541-297-6118.
Artist Loft Gallery, Pony Village Mall, North Bend. Call for Class
Information at 541-756-4088
Beginning Watercolor with Carol Young, for info call 541-260-4573.
Bay Be, located in Charleston, next door to High Tide Cafe is now open and offers licensed childcare for kids 3 yrs & up with a focus on nature and art projects. ALSO offer workshops for adults--making lip balm, jewelry, knitting and yoga.
Drop-in Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. with only $5 and 5 minutes we can help you create a craft such as paper, a candle, a willow basket, driftwood sculpture or bird feeder. 541-888-3265, Find us on Facebook.
Brookings Area and more:
various classes are listed at http://wildriverscoastart.com/
CDABA Art Academy, Reedsport
**** Friday May 25th, 6 - 7:30 p.m. The Art of Artist Trading Cards with Sue Bridston $20 Register at 541-271-4608
Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay 541-267-4877 for more information.
Multi-Media Design for Young Artists, begins Tuesday, July 10th, with Stephanie Tomlin
Saturdays, May 12th & 19th: Paper Arts with Holly Rodenkirk and Mary Cervantes 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Pastel Expression Session with Karen Watson Sat. & Sun., July 7 & 8th 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Coquille Valley Art Association 10144 Hwy 42, Coquille, OR 541-396-3294
Painting with Pat Weaver 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Painting with Anna Crosby 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Thursdays & Fridays
Painting/Drawing 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Mondays
Painting with Bunny Upton 12 - 3 p.m. Mondays
***Pottery/ Open Studio Thursdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Anyone can come & try out clay.
Pottery Classes available by appointment and will work around your schedule as much as possible. Non-members welcome too.
Woodcarving with Larry Roberts 9-12 Mondays 541-396-2579
Woodcarving 6 - 9:00 p.m. Tuesdays
Wood Burning 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tuesdays
Ken Means Carving 9 - 12 noon and 6 - 9 p.m. on Wednesdays
Quilting 10 a.m. on Wednesdays
Appliqué 10 a.m. Tuesdays
Stained Glass 2:30 - 5:00 and another at 6 - 9 p.m. Mondays and Fridays 9:30 - 12:30
Fiber Arts 10 a.m. on Fridays
Yoga 6 p.m. Mondays No Classes during January or February.
Easy Lane Frames, 3440 Broadway, North Bend, 541-756-7638
Contact for information on a variety of classes.
Palette Knife Technique with Acrylics with Carolyn Le Grande is continuing on Mondays from 2 - 4:00 p.m. Call to see about joining this class.
Cartooning with Bandon artist Leo Chiantelli will be offered at the gallery this summer. Students of any age and ability are welcome. Class will be four sessions for $60. Supply list available at the gallery.
The gallery is interested in setting up some children's classes for summer.
If you would be interested in teaching a class please contact Jane
FreshWater Gallery, 236B Hwy 101, Port Orford (next to Paula's Bistro)
For information: 541-332-8019 or 541-236-8077, or wilddoodle@earthlink.net
Gallery on the Bay
658 S. Empire Blvd, Empire 541-888-3771
Lessons in painting pastel by Darrell Sanders.
Heritage Textile Arts Guild
157#A, Pony Village Mall, North Bend
Lessons available in wearables, kitchen linens and gift items.
Manley Art Center, Brookings
Call for class and workshop schedules. 541-469-1807
Rosie's Art Carnival, 575 B Hwy 101, Florence
artcarnival@oregonfast.net www.facebook.com/rosiesartcarnival
Friday, May 25th Card Class $5 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Make 2 cards.
Saturday, May 26th Fine and Sunny Cards $18 Make 3 cards and a tag.
Sage Place, 11th & Elmira, Bandon
For a schedule of classes offered go to: http://www.sagegallerybandon.com/
SIGN UP NOW for upcoming SAS COLBY workshop on Sept 21st and 22nd. new things different than last year. deposit now...class fee will be $225
Southwestern Community College
Gold Beach SWOCC Center (on the fairgrounds) 541-247-2741
Umpqua Valley Arts Center, Roseburg
1624 W. Harvard, Roseburg, OR 97471 541-672-2532 http://www.uvarts.com/
Wright's Custom Framing 910 Chetco Ave, Brookings 541-469-7625
Drop in Art Workshop every Friday Afternoon 1 - 4 p.m.
Individual instruction in any medium; demonstrations in various mediums; critiques of completed work and works in progress. $12 per session. Just drop in and bring something you would like to work on, or need help with.
Each week something new is presented during demonstrations.
Dateline Events:
Friday, May 25, 2012 4 - 6 p.m.
Port Orford Heads at the Port Orford Lifeboat Station
Roger Rasmussen, builder of the new 5' x 5' diorama will tell visitors about how he built this stunning permanent exhibit. He will be joined by Jason Tilley, builder of the white-oak stand for the diorama. Refreshments will be on hand.
Sunday, May 27, 2012 3 - 6:00 p.m.
Port Orford Art Walk includes Artist's Nook, Agate Gardens, Dana's Trading Post, Freshwater Gallery, Hawthorne Gallery, Johnson Gallery, Point B Studio, Rick Cook Gallery, Roaring Sea Arts and TriAngle Square Gallery. Art, music and refreshments. Maps available around town.
Sunday, May 27, 2012 1 - 4:00 p.m.
Roaring Sea Arts in Port Orford Artists, musicians and writers will be providing informal entertainment. Refreshments will be served. Participating in Art Walk. Call Donna at 332-4444 or Suzanne at 332-0540.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5 - 7:00 p.m.
Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence 541-997-8980 http://backstreetgallery.org/
After Hours Party--mingle with the artists, listen to music and enjoy appetizers.
***Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Gold Beach Episcopal Church Easternmost end of Moore Street.
Figure Drawing. To confirm & for more information contact Alexandra
Saturday, June 2, 2012 9:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Curry Arts Free Watercolor Class
Brookings artists Audi Stanton will help you complete a full painting and show you some painting and texture techniques to make a magnificent seascape. For adults 18 and older. To sign up, call Sharon Guinn at 541-425-1213. Limited space so sign up early. Workshop materials list is available. Participants encouraged to bring a sack lunch.
Saturday, June 9, 2012 3 p.m.
BAAA sponsors "Chalk it Up" at Portland Bagel Co.#3 on the corner of Broadway & Newmark in North Bend. The tables there are covered with chalkboard paint. Artists are free to collaborate so bring your friends and create fun artwork. The owner will take pictures of completed artwork for display at Portland Bagel Co. #3. No fee to participate. Chalk in various colors will be provided. RSVP would be helpful, but is not required. For more info contact Stephanie Donaldson at 541-404-9511 or info@sldonaldsonfineart.com
Winner of the best Chalk 'Masterpiece' gets a Bagel Sandwich.
*****Saturday, June 9, 2012 2 - 4 p.m.
South Slough NERR Interpretive Center, Charleston 61907 Seven Devils Rd 541-888-5558
Opening reception for "Fission/Fusion: Reflecting the Power of Art" Features the work of Yvonne Ramirez Ousley, Sarita Southgate and Michael William Ousley.
Show runs June 9 - Aug. 30, 2012 Hours are 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Tueseday through Saturday.
Calls to Artists:
"Models on the Move" Backstreet Gallery, Florence
Artists have the opportunity to decorate an artist's mannequin in a creative, clever, flamboyant way to enhance and transform the model into an art piece. Entry fee and mannequin $10. Can be picked up beginning May 15th at Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence.
The model creations will be on display at the Gallery during the month of August. Opening reception is on August 11th Artwalk for all artists. The proceeds go to Florence's GALA ArtWalk. A silent auction and reception to celebrate the models will take place in the Bromley Room at the Siuslaw Library, Saturday, 8/15/12, 5-7 p.m.
Delivery Deadline Monday & Tuesday, June 4th & 5th
Easy Lane Frames invites you to enter "Sand and Sea": Artwork spotlighting the beautiful South Coast. This show will be judged by a professional; prizes and ribbons awarded. Art may be 2 or 3 dimensional. No size limitation. 2-dimensional work must be ready to hang. Opening reception will be Thursday, June 14th during ArtWalk, 5 - 8:00 p.m. For more information call 541-756-7638.
Time to get cracking on this project---it will be July before you know it. :)
The Summer Show: (July, August, September): “GAMES PEOPLE PLAY”
Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center, Bandon
It was Crystal Landucci’s impressive collection of games of Chinese checkers that inspired this one. We’re looking for board games of all sorts that can be mounted on the walls; your own inventions would be great too……you’ve got a little while to work on this one so start inlaying those chess boards or drilling those cribbage sets….(fashioning those dominos?)…….Paintings of games. This should be a really fun exhibit for the summer and we hope it will combine collectibles and the fruits of your imagination.
Five Rivers, Five Days Plein Air Festival , and Quick Draw Event August 13 - 17, 2012 $5.00 to enter Quick Draw Contest, No fee to register as artist. 541-469-9522 burtonique@gmail.com
Deadline: Friday, June 1, 2012, 11:59PM Mountain Daylight Time.
2nd Annual Industry & Art juried exhibition and sale to be held at Vigor Industrial on Swan Island, 5555 N. Channel Ave., Portland. .Industry in Art (sponsored by the Working Waterfront Coalition of Portland) invite artists in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana to submit up the 3 digital images of existing original artwork. The event is a fundraiser to support industrial job training programs and habitat restoration.
Applications must be submitted using the CaFÉ website
Application deadline June 1, 2012 5:00 p.m.
The City of Ashland Public Art Commission is seeking an artist(s) to create site-specific art as part of the Ashland Fire Station No. 2 replacement.
The Fire Station is located at 1860 Ashland Street. This opportunity is open to established professional artists living in the Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and California.)
Umpqua Valley Arts Association , Roseburg
44th Annual Summer Arts Festival, scheduled for Friday, June 22nd through Sunday, June 24th, 2012.
Look on their website: http://www.uvarts.com/ starting in January for applications for booths for artists, crafters, food vendors and entertainers.
This is an established, major cultural event in the Umpqua Valley drawing artists and crafters from across the U.S. for the 3 day festival with live music, food from local vendors, and lots of art. The event draws over 16,000 visitors of all ages. Proceeds benefit the UVAA's arts-in-education programs, bringing art instruction to elementary school children in Douglas County.
Those with questions are encouraged to consult the FAQ document posted on
http://uvarts.com/summer-arts-festival/ or contact the UVAA by phone at
The Fall Show: (October, November, December) “WHAT I DID ON MY VACATION”
Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center, Bandon
Paintings and Journals created by the travelers amongst us. We already have some folks in mind but if you have some work you think might fit in….please let us know.
The Artists' Village, McMinnville, OR Saturday & Sunday, July 14th & 15th, 2012
The McMinnville Sunrise Rotary Club is hosting their 4th Annual Artists' Village. Funds raised from this event go to help develop the arts and help Oregon artists with this event.
This is a juried event to obtain a booth at this show in order to sell your work. 10 ' x 10' booth under a tent, $100 for both days. Jurying fee will be non-refundable $25. Best in Show cash prizes total $1000.
They are looking for a variety of fine art participants including painting, sculpture, pottery, metalwork, dance, music and readings.
Information and applications will be posted in January on their website:
http://www.artinmac.org/ Their email contact is artinmac@gmail.com
Bandon Library Art Committee is seeking artists for exhibitions in both theHallway Gallery and the Glass Cases during the 2013. You canalso put your name on the list in case there are cancellations before then.
The art can be paintings, drawings, mixed media, photography, and the like;crafts, collections, small sculptures and/or jewelry for the cases. Pleasecontact Alexis Proctor at alexis2101p@yahoo.com or call 541-329-0530.
Opportunity to Sell your Work:
Kathy from "Katherine's" in Pony Village Mall (south wing) is seeking artists to display art on Art Walk Thursdays from 5 - 8:00 p.m. each month.
The upcoming one is June 14th. The Mall will provide easels and tables. Other stores will be doing music and appetizers. There is no fee, no commission...it's FREE. Contact Kathy at 541-808-2248.
Since we got rained out last Monday we will try again this Monday at the same place.
This Monday, May 28th, 12 - 3 p.m. the paintout will be at 4th SW and Garfield Street in Bandon. It's the dead-end street near the old Cypress tree that leans out over 4th Street/Ocean Drive.
Bring a sack lunch and beverage if you like.
My phone number 541-297-6118.
Art Information:
FYI: New listings have asterisks ***** next to the date.
If any of the web links below in blue are not "live", meaning if you click on it and it doesn't take you to the website,--- right click on it and choose copy, then open your internet web browser, left click on the web address window at the top to highlight it, then right click and paste the web link into your browser and hit enter. The site should open.
Bandon Artist Supply, winter hours: Wednesdays through Saturdays 10 -5 p.m. Closed Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. 541-347-4482 or 541-297-6118
Art by the Sea Studio and Gallery, in the Continuum Building/Old Town Bandon. Open every day except Tuesday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wall art, prints, cards, jewelry, pottery, etc. of local South Coast artists.
Artists' Accomplishments:
We want to honor the achievements of all you artists, so don't be shy about sending the highlights of your art lives, or those of your artist friends.
Fundraiser for a No-Kill Cat Shelter in Portland:
"The House of Dreams Art Show and Sale" takes place in Portland.
Nancy DeGroot, a plein air painter who divides her time between Portland and Bandon is looking for artists willing to donate art to be auctioned off to benefit a no-kill cat shelter in Portland.
She is in Bandon until Saturday at Noon. If you would like to donate a piece of art to this worthy cause please drop off work at Bandon Artist Supply between now and Saturday Noon.
Current Shows:
Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence
See Call to Artists in the last section below....
Bandon Public Library May 2012
In the glass cases: "Monsters, Gargoyles and Friends"--- paintings & clay sculptures by the Arts and After School Culture Club at Harbor Lights Middle School and Bandon High School Art Class.
In the hallway gallery: "Mom and the Girls" ---a three generational show of diverse art by Elaine Owens, her daughters Deborah Whitworth, Dawn Vonderlin, Dana Williams, and Dana's daughter Natasha Stulz.
Black Market Gourmet, 495 Central Ave, Coos Bay. Open Tuesday - Friday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. 541-269-0194
Friday, May 17th, 5 - 8 p.m. Opening for photography show by Robert Levy
Chetco Community Library, Brookings
Features Audi Stanton's "Chasing Challenges in Paint". You will see several styles of Audi's diverse artwork at the Library
Coos Art Museum 235 Anderson Ave. Coos Bay 541-267-3901
"Expression West 2012", and "In Fine Form:Figures by
Four", and "Photographic Synthesis," works by the Oregon Coast
Photographers. The four artists in the figure show are: Alexandra Eyer--Watercolor & Oil; Lorraine Filippone--Acrylic & Oil; Pat Renner--Watercolor & Acrylic; J.M. Steele--Oil & Acrylic
BAAA Artist of the Month for May at Coos Art Museum is Charles of Charleston.
Coos Bay Library 525 West Anderson, Coos Bay
Wall Display:and Lobby Features the wonderful marine art prints and originals of Don McMichael.
Coquille Valley Art Center 10144 Hwy 42, Coquille 541-396-3294
May 5 - June 2nd "Impressions of Old City Hall"
Hours are Monday through Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Congratulations to Michael W.Ousley who has a painting displayed in this show.
Coquille Valley Hospital, 940 E. 5th Street, Coquille, OR
Crystal Dolphin Gallery
1901 Sherman Ave, North Bend, 541-756-1989
Easy Lane Frames & Select Gallery
3440 Broadway, North Bend, 541-756-7638
April 6 - May 30 "The Color of Spring",
Emerald Art Center http://www.emeraldartcenter.org/
500 Main Street, Springfield 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday
Evergreen Court, Baycrest Village, 451 O'Connell St., North Bend, OR
"All-in-One" Solo Art Exhibit featuring paintings by S L Donaldson.
Show runs May 1 - June 30, 2012
Fairbanks Gallery located on campus at OSU in Corvallis. Free, open to the public Mon.- Thurs. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Fridays 8 - 12 noon. Contact Douglas Russell at 541-737-5009, or drussell@oregonstate.edu
To see artwork created by Douglas Russell go to Coos Art Museum, upstairs, where Doug's work is currently showing in conjunction with "Expressions West 2012" in which he was the juror.
Florence Events Center
715 Quince Street, Florence Call for more info at 541-997-1994
Freshwater Gallery 236-B, HWY 101, Port Orford 541-332-8019
"Where Does Heat Go", features oil paintings of Geoffrey Rhoads. Opening reception Friday, May 4th, 4:00 p.m. - 7 p.m. Show continues through Memorial Day weekend Port Orford Art Walk event.
Sunday, May 27th Art Walk 3 - 6:00 p.m.
Gallery by the Bay 2100 Union Ave, North Bend
Kay Van Wart--Mixed media and Watercolor; Pamela Rose--exhuberant acrylics; Ina Christensen--pastel, watercolor, pen & ink paintings; Matt Vegar from Dragonclaw Studio--one of a kind jewelry pieces.
Gallery on the Bay 541-888-3771 Oils & Pastels of Birds & Animals
Hawthorne Gallery, 517 Jefferson St., Port Orford
Sunday, May 27th --ArtWalk 3 - 6:00 p.m.
High Tide Cafe, Charleston
Rod Sullens is the featured artist this month, along with other artists including Michael W. Ousley and Mike Holm.
Open 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays.
Langlois Public Library 48234 Hwy 101, Langlois, OR 97450
Hours: Mon. 11a.m.-2 p.m., Tues-Fri. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Manley Art Center 433 Oak Street, Brookings, OR 541-469-1807
Link to the calendar:
May Artist of the month is Cathy Dean, showing watercolors.
Maude Kerns Gallery 1910 East 15th Ave, Eugene, OR 541-345-1571
Silent Witness:Parvin Butte, OR Photographs by John Bauguess. May 14 - 18th. Opens Monday, May 14th, 6 - 8 p.m. The show bears witness to the mining of a historical natural resource near Dexter.
MECCA (Materials Exchange Center for Community Arts), 449 Willamette Street, Eugene
North Bend Library, Conference Room 541-756-0400
May 2012 South Coast Women in Photography
Avena Singh, Suzy Piatt, Lisa Philips, Tracy Fawns and Patricia Davidson (curator)
Old City Hall-- 99 E. Second Street, Corner of Second & Adams, Coquille
Contact Nella Abbott at 541-824-0779 for information.
Pony Village Mall:
Artists' Loft, 541-756-4088
Glenn Smith, Photography; Guest Artist Carolyn LeGrand featuring watercolors with ink and more.
Cone 9 Local artists featured
East Wing Art Wall (by JoAnn's) Sherry Howk
Sterling Savings Bank
May features paintings by Magda Druzdel.
Harry Ritchie's Jewelers: Artwork of Cheryl LeVesque and Beebe Slater
Turner Art Studio & Gallery, Ste 128, 541-290-7858
Port Orford Library April through June
Sheila Oberg and Andy Anderson
Raincoast Gallery
Featuring work of many local artists.
Gallery is open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily except Tuesdays.
Second Street Gallery, 210 2nd Street, Old Town Bandon
http://www.secondstreetgallery.net/ 541-347-4133 or e-mail at
Fourth Annual Miniature & Small Works Exhibition
Show runs April, May and June, 2012
Signatures Gallery, 515 Chetco Avenue, Brookings, OR 541-469-1085 or
541-661-0132 http://www.signaturesgallery.com/
South Slough Interpretive Center, Charleston -- in the William Q. Wick Auditorium 541-888-5558
March 3rd - May 31st Features"Tropism", S.L. Donaldson's vibrant acrylic and ink paintings convey impacts of various stimuli.
Southern Coos Hospital & Health Care
April 22nd - June "Weather Report--Art Inspired by the Weather"
Triangle Square Gallery 343 6th Avenue, Port Orford, OR
***Oleh Lysiak See his fabulous mobile sculptures
"Reasonably Unruly"
Sunday, May 27th Artwalk-- hors d'oeuvres and music 5-7 p.m.
Umpqua Valley Arts Center, 1625 W. Harvard, Roseburg
541-672-2532 http://www.uvarts.com/
"Artworks NW" opens in the Hallie Brown Ford Gallery. Show runs through July 6, 2012
"Photoworks NW" opens in the Red Gallery. Show runs through July 6, 2012
"WSO's Traveling Aqueous Exhibit" opens in the Corridor Gallery and the Alcove Gallery.
"Seasons of Color" by Andrew Duclos opens in Gallery II.
U.S. Bank--Coquille
Works by Joanne Drapkin; Victoria Tierney's paintings of Coos County Parks for the 30 Parks by 30 Artists Show; selected works from "TIME" - A Statewide Traveling Show of Oregon Prison Art.
Whistling Gallery
87456 Ste. A, Whistling Drive, Bandon (located in Laurel Grove, 5 milessouth of Bandon.) A variety of artists showing 2-d and
3-d work.
Also in charge of showing work at Billy Smoothboar's and other venues forthose artists interested in showing their work, contact Vickie.
541-404-7336, or whistlinggallery@gmail.com
Mitch Baird is holding a plein air painting workshop that covers the fundamental principles of painting and composition as well as learning to 'see' as an artist. Drawing, value, color and edges will be stressed as well as building a strong design from the elements of nature. Two day for $200. June 2nd & 3rd. On Sauvie Island near Portland, OR. to register contact Mitch at mitch@mitchbaird.com
Art 101/ Washed Ashore The Purple Yurt, 5 miles south of Bandon on Hwy 101, 541-250-1140
or info@washedashore.org
Sculpture Building Workshop at The Exploratorium in San Francisco, April 18 - 21st
New Workshop Hours: Thursdays, 5 - 8 p.m. and Sundays 2 - 5:00 p.m.
Volunteer Workshops to build "Leo the Leopard Shark" Have a hand in constructing the newest member of the Washed Ashore family. This work is designed to permanently reside at the Chula Vista Nataure Center in San Diego, CA. The sculpture consists of 100% ocean going debris (plastics and more). Help inspire others to do something about this problem by building this eye-catching sculpture.
Art by the Sea, Gallery & Studio 175 2nd St, Continuum Bldg., Old Town Bandon, 541-297-6118
Saturday, June 2, 2012 1 -3:00 p.m. Flower Printing Workshop with Joanne B. Drapkin. Learn how to create flower, herb or leaf prints. Take home 5 note cards, 1 laminated coaster and colorful practice sheets.
Contact Joanne at 541-347-8179, or sign up at Art by the Sea. $15 jbdrap1550@yahoo.com
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Watercolor Workshop: Learn the Lifting technique. $25 Instructor Victoria Tierney. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information call 541-297-6118.
Artist Loft Gallery, Pony Village Mall, North Bend. Call for Class
Information at 541-756-4088
Beginning Watercolor with Carol Young, for info call 541-260-4573.
Bay Be, located in Charleston, next door to High Tide Cafe is now open and offers licensed childcare for kids 3 yrs & up with a focus on nature and art projects. ALSO offer workshops for adults--making lip balm, jewelry, knitting and yoga.
Drop-in Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. with only $5 and 5 minutes we can help you create a craft such as paper, a candle, a willow basket, driftwood sculpture or bird feeder. 541-888-3265, Find us on Facebook.
Brookings Area and more:
various classes are listed at http://wildriverscoastart.com/
CDABA Art Academy, Reedsport
**** Friday May 25th, 6 - 7:30 p.m. The Art of Artist Trading Cards with Sue Bridston $20 Register at 541-271-4608
Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay 541-267-4877 for more information.
Multi-Media Design for Young Artists, begins Tuesday, July 10th, with Stephanie Tomlin
Saturdays, May 12th & 19th: Paper Arts with Holly Rodenkirk and Mary Cervantes 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Pastel Expression Session with Karen Watson Sat. & Sun., July 7 & 8th 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Coquille Valley Art Association 10144 Hwy 42, Coquille, OR 541-396-3294
Painting with Pat Weaver 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Painting with Anna Crosby 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Thursdays & Fridays
Painting/Drawing 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Mondays
Painting with Bunny Upton 12 - 3 p.m. Mondays
***Pottery/ Open Studio Thursdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Anyone can come & try out clay.
Pottery Classes available by appointment and will work around your schedule as much as possible. Non-members welcome too.
Woodcarving with Larry Roberts 9-12 Mondays 541-396-2579
Woodcarving 6 - 9:00 p.m. Tuesdays
Wood Burning 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tuesdays
Ken Means Carving 9 - 12 noon and 6 - 9 p.m. on Wednesdays
Quilting 10 a.m. on Wednesdays
Appliqué 10 a.m. Tuesdays
Stained Glass 2:30 - 5:00 and another at 6 - 9 p.m. Mondays and Fridays 9:30 - 12:30
Fiber Arts 10 a.m. on Fridays
Yoga 6 p.m. Mondays No Classes during January or February.
Easy Lane Frames, 3440 Broadway, North Bend, 541-756-7638
Contact for information on a variety of classes.
Palette Knife Technique with Acrylics with Carolyn Le Grande is continuing on Mondays from 2 - 4:00 p.m. Call to see about joining this class.
Cartooning with Bandon artist Leo Chiantelli will be offered at the gallery this summer. Students of any age and ability are welcome. Class will be four sessions for $60. Supply list available at the gallery.
The gallery is interested in setting up some children's classes for summer.
If you would be interested in teaching a class please contact Jane
FreshWater Gallery, 236B Hwy 101, Port Orford (next to Paula's Bistro)
For information: 541-332-8019 or 541-236-8077, or wilddoodle@earthlink.net
Gallery on the Bay
658 S. Empire Blvd, Empire 541-888-3771
Lessons in painting pastel by Darrell Sanders.
Heritage Textile Arts Guild
157#A, Pony Village Mall, North Bend
Lessons available in wearables, kitchen linens and gift items.
Manley Art Center, Brookings
Call for class and workshop schedules. 541-469-1807
Rosie's Art Carnival, 575 B Hwy 101, Florence
artcarnival@oregonfast.net www.facebook.com/rosiesartcarnival
Friday, May 25th Card Class $5 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Make 2 cards.
Saturday, May 26th Fine and Sunny Cards $18 Make 3 cards and a tag.
Sage Place, 11th & Elmira, Bandon
For a schedule of classes offered go to: http://www.sagegallerybandon.com/
SIGN UP NOW for upcoming SAS COLBY workshop on Sept 21st and 22nd. new things different than last year. deposit now...class fee will be $225
Southwestern Community College
Gold Beach SWOCC Center (on the fairgrounds) 541-247-2741
Umpqua Valley Arts Center, Roseburg
1624 W. Harvard, Roseburg, OR 97471 541-672-2532 http://www.uvarts.com/
Wright's Custom Framing 910 Chetco Ave, Brookings 541-469-7625
Drop in Art Workshop every Friday Afternoon 1 - 4 p.m.
Individual instruction in any medium; demonstrations in various mediums; critiques of completed work and works in progress. $12 per session. Just drop in and bring something you would like to work on, or need help with.
Each week something new is presented during demonstrations.
Dateline Events:
Friday, May 25, 2012 4 - 6 p.m.
Port Orford Heads at the Port Orford Lifeboat Station
Roger Rasmussen, builder of the new 5' x 5' diorama will tell visitors about how he built this stunning permanent exhibit. He will be joined by Jason Tilley, builder of the white-oak stand for the diorama. Refreshments will be on hand.
Sunday, May 27, 2012 3 - 6:00 p.m.
Port Orford Art Walk includes Artist's Nook, Agate Gardens, Dana's Trading Post, Freshwater Gallery, Hawthorne Gallery, Johnson Gallery, Point B Studio, Rick Cook Gallery, Roaring Sea Arts and TriAngle Square Gallery. Art, music and refreshments. Maps available around town.
Sunday, May 27, 2012 1 - 4:00 p.m.
Roaring Sea Arts in Port Orford Artists, musicians and writers will be providing informal entertainment. Refreshments will be served. Participating in Art Walk. Call Donna at 332-4444 or Suzanne at 332-0540.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5 - 7:00 p.m.
Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence 541-997-8980 http://backstreetgallery.org/
After Hours Party--mingle with the artists, listen to music and enjoy appetizers.
***Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Gold Beach Episcopal Church Easternmost end of Moore Street.
Figure Drawing. To confirm & for more information contact Alexandra
Saturday, June 2, 2012 9:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Curry Arts Free Watercolor Class
Brookings artists Audi Stanton will help you complete a full painting and show you some painting and texture techniques to make a magnificent seascape. For adults 18 and older. To sign up, call Sharon Guinn at 541-425-1213. Limited space so sign up early. Workshop materials list is available. Participants encouraged to bring a sack lunch.
Saturday, June 9, 2012 3 p.m.
BAAA sponsors "Chalk it Up" at Portland Bagel Co.#3 on the corner of Broadway & Newmark in North Bend. The tables there are covered with chalkboard paint. Artists are free to collaborate so bring your friends and create fun artwork. The owner will take pictures of completed artwork for display at Portland Bagel Co. #3. No fee to participate. Chalk in various colors will be provided. RSVP would be helpful, but is not required. For more info contact Stephanie Donaldson at 541-404-9511 or info@sldonaldsonfineart.com
Winner of the best Chalk 'Masterpiece' gets a Bagel Sandwich.
*****Saturday, June 9, 2012 2 - 4 p.m.
South Slough NERR Interpretive Center, Charleston 61907 Seven Devils Rd 541-888-5558
Opening reception for "Fission/Fusion: Reflecting the Power of Art" Features the work of Yvonne Ramirez Ousley, Sarita Southgate and Michael William Ousley.
Show runs June 9 - Aug. 30, 2012 Hours are 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Tueseday through Saturday.
Calls to Artists:
"Models on the Move" Backstreet Gallery, Florence
Artists have the opportunity to decorate an artist's mannequin in a creative, clever, flamboyant way to enhance and transform the model into an art piece. Entry fee and mannequin $10. Can be picked up beginning May 15th at Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence.
The model creations will be on display at the Gallery during the month of August. Opening reception is on August 11th Artwalk for all artists. The proceeds go to Florence's GALA ArtWalk. A silent auction and reception to celebrate the models will take place in the Bromley Room at the Siuslaw Library, Saturday, 8/15/12, 5-7 p.m.
Delivery Deadline Monday & Tuesday, June 4th & 5th
Easy Lane Frames invites you to enter "Sand and Sea": Artwork spotlighting the beautiful South Coast. This show will be judged by a professional; prizes and ribbons awarded. Art may be 2 or 3 dimensional. No size limitation. 2-dimensional work must be ready to hang. Opening reception will be Thursday, June 14th during ArtWalk, 5 - 8:00 p.m. For more information call 541-756-7638.
Time to get cracking on this project---it will be July before you know it. :)
The Summer Show: (July, August, September): “GAMES PEOPLE PLAY”
Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center, Bandon
It was Crystal Landucci’s impressive collection of games of Chinese checkers that inspired this one. We’re looking for board games of all sorts that can be mounted on the walls; your own inventions would be great too……you’ve got a little while to work on this one so start inlaying those chess boards or drilling those cribbage sets….(fashioning those dominos?)…….Paintings of games. This should be a really fun exhibit for the summer and we hope it will combine collectibles and the fruits of your imagination.
Five Rivers, Five Days Plein Air Festival , and Quick Draw Event August 13 - 17, 2012 $5.00 to enter Quick Draw Contest, No fee to register as artist. 541-469-9522 burtonique@gmail.com
Deadline: Friday, June 1, 2012, 11:59PM Mountain Daylight Time.
2nd Annual Industry & Art juried exhibition and sale to be held at Vigor Industrial on Swan Island, 5555 N. Channel Ave., Portland. .Industry in Art (sponsored by the Working Waterfront Coalition of Portland) invite artists in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana to submit up the 3 digital images of existing original artwork. The event is a fundraiser to support industrial job training programs and habitat restoration.
Applications must be submitted using the CaFÉ website
Application deadline June 1, 2012 5:00 p.m.
The City of Ashland Public Art Commission is seeking an artist(s) to create site-specific art as part of the Ashland Fire Station No. 2 replacement.
The Fire Station is located at 1860 Ashland Street. This opportunity is open to established professional artists living in the Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and California.)
Umpqua Valley Arts Association , Roseburg
44th Annual Summer Arts Festival, scheduled for Friday, June 22nd through Sunday, June 24th, 2012.
Look on their website: http://www.uvarts.com/ starting in January for applications for booths for artists, crafters, food vendors and entertainers.
This is an established, major cultural event in the Umpqua Valley drawing artists and crafters from across the U.S. for the 3 day festival with live music, food from local vendors, and lots of art. The event draws over 16,000 visitors of all ages. Proceeds benefit the UVAA's arts-in-education programs, bringing art instruction to elementary school children in Douglas County.
Those with questions are encouraged to consult the FAQ document posted on
http://uvarts.com/summer-arts-festival/ or contact the UVAA by phone at
The Fall Show: (October, November, December) “WHAT I DID ON MY VACATION”
Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center, Bandon
Paintings and Journals created by the travelers amongst us. We already have some folks in mind but if you have some work you think might fit in….please let us know.
The Artists' Village, McMinnville, OR Saturday & Sunday, July 14th & 15th, 2012
The McMinnville Sunrise Rotary Club is hosting their 4th Annual Artists' Village. Funds raised from this event go to help develop the arts and help Oregon artists with this event.
This is a juried event to obtain a booth at this show in order to sell your work. 10 ' x 10' booth under a tent, $100 for both days. Jurying fee will be non-refundable $25. Best in Show cash prizes total $1000.
They are looking for a variety of fine art participants including painting, sculpture, pottery, metalwork, dance, music and readings.
Information and applications will be posted in January on their website:
http://www.artinmac.org/ Their email contact is artinmac@gmail.com
Bandon Library Art Committee is seeking artists for exhibitions in both theHallway Gallery and the Glass Cases during the 2013. You canalso put your name on the list in case there are cancellations before then.
The art can be paintings, drawings, mixed media, photography, and the like;crafts, collections, small sculptures and/or jewelry for the cases. Pleasecontact Alexis Proctor at alexis2101p@yahoo.com or call 541-329-0530.
Opportunity to Sell your Work:
Kathy from "Katherine's" in Pony Village Mall (south wing) is seeking artists to display art on Art Walk Thursdays from 5 - 8:00 p.m. each month.
The upcoming one is June 14th. The Mall will provide easels and tables. Other stores will be doing music and appetizers. There is no fee, no commission...it's FREE. Contact Kathy at 541-808-2248.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Pastel Expression Session with Karen Watson
Date: Saturday and Sunday – July 7 – 8, 2012
Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm
High School and Adult Students
Join Hood River artist, Karen Watson, for a fun weekend “playing” with pastels. This workshop, with is open to any level, will begin with the fundamentals of pastel materials and technique. Once the basics are covered we will explore composition, color and most importantly value, the key to a successful painting. Karen works with a variety of soft pastels on toned sandpaper in both her studio and plein air. Favoring loose and bold application of pastel strokes and color she creates fresh and exciting pieces. The tooth of the paper allows for several applications of pastel lending the work “painterly” feeling.
Karen Watson has received numerous awards for her dynamic pastel paintings and has featured in the pastel Journal and Style Magazine. Her work is featured in both private and public collections through out the nation. “ I love working in pastel due to the spontaneity of the medium and enjoy sharing the experience with others.
12 Students Max. Class Fee: $150.00 Members; $175.00 Non-Members
Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm
High School and Adult Students
Join Hood River artist, Karen Watson, for a fun weekend “playing” with pastels. This workshop, with is open to any level, will begin with the fundamentals of pastel materials and technique. Once the basics are covered we will explore composition, color and most importantly value, the key to a successful painting. Karen works with a variety of soft pastels on toned sandpaper in both her studio and plein air. Favoring loose and bold application of pastel strokes and color she creates fresh and exciting pieces. The tooth of the paper allows for several applications of pastel lending the work “painterly” feeling.
Karen Watson has received numerous awards for her dynamic pastel paintings and has featured in the pastel Journal and Style Magazine. Her work is featured in both private and public collections through out the nation. “ I love working in pastel due to the spontaneity of the medium and enjoy sharing the experience with others.
12 Students Max. Class Fee: $150.00 Members; $175.00 Non-Members
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Juana Almaguer
I posted a coupla days ago a heads up about Juana Almaguer, the fantastic artist I met through Iprintfromhome.
I have had the very great pleasure of chatting with her several times over the last week and can say without reservation she is as gracious as she is talented and that is a lot of grace.
And she has generously allowed me to link to her Flickr pages so that you can take a look at her art without having to dig through the URLs.
So, without wasting any more space on my crap here is something worth looking at
Medusa III

The last time I checked the classical Medusa was less attractive and more snakely but the Greek flavor is clearly there. Juana's art needs no Art Critic 101 analysis from me, but I can see a dozen uses for this one image. Better click on it and see the whole collection.
Euclid's Cat II

You've probably already guessed I like cats a lot and so adding one more to my herd, (The correct name for a bunch of cats is a Nuisance of Cats, but Juana's cat isn't so I won't mention that collective title, but around my house they are and especially when they get under your feet and try to make you fall on your tookis just to laugh at the clumsy humans), was just the thing for a damp Tuesday morning.
My red cats never look this peaceful or angelic, but I guess it is possible if you have red tabbies which are not demon possessed.
Dualism I

A bit of Gemini or Janus here, wonderful images with a very classical period feel. How did this miss being carved on the Parthenon? Probably would have migrated to England and then I wouldn't have it to talk about on my blog.
Take a look at these images and then click on the image and go to the Flickr page for a more extensive look. The trip is worth every minute and you will be rewarded for your time. And come on, you spend a lot of time clicking around on the Internet and get nothing out of it. Okay, there are those sites, but we won't mention them here in the shadow of real art.
Yes, I do like Juana's art. It brings something different to what I see locally. It is both new and innovative and yet classical and rich in tradition. That is a hard melding and the mind behind such work deserves your complete and undivided attention.
Juana Almaguer, remember that name, you will see a lot more of it in publications with a richer and broader base than the ole Trawler.
I have had the very great pleasure of chatting with her several times over the last week and can say without reservation she is as gracious as she is talented and that is a lot of grace.
And she has generously allowed me to link to her Flickr pages so that you can take a look at her art without having to dig through the URLs.
So, without wasting any more space on my crap here is something worth looking at
Medusa III

The last time I checked the classical Medusa was less attractive and more snakely but the Greek flavor is clearly there. Juana's art needs no Art Critic 101 analysis from me, but I can see a dozen uses for this one image. Better click on it and see the whole collection.
Euclid's Cat II

You've probably already guessed I like cats a lot and so adding one more to my herd, (The correct name for a bunch of cats is a Nuisance of Cats, but Juana's cat isn't so I won't mention that collective title, but around my house they are and especially when they get under your feet and try to make you fall on your tookis just to laugh at the clumsy humans), was just the thing for a damp Tuesday morning.
My red cats never look this peaceful or angelic, but I guess it is possible if you have red tabbies which are not demon possessed.
Dualism I

A bit of Gemini or Janus here, wonderful images with a very classical period feel. How did this miss being carved on the Parthenon? Probably would have migrated to England and then I wouldn't have it to talk about on my blog.
Take a look at these images and then click on the image and go to the Flickr page for a more extensive look. The trip is worth every minute and you will be rewarded for your time. And come on, you spend a lot of time clicking around on the Internet and get nothing out of it. Okay, there are those sites, but we won't mention them here in the shadow of real art.
Yes, I do like Juana's art. It brings something different to what I see locally. It is both new and innovative and yet classical and rich in tradition. That is a hard melding and the mind behind such work deserves your complete and undivided attention.
Juana Almaguer, remember that name, you will see a lot more of it in publications with a richer and broader base than the ole Trawler.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Prints on Canvas
Okay, so coupla weeks ago I was telling you about the deal
on canvas prints at Staples and I said I was having one done and would get back
to you.
So, I’m getting back to you.
Disclaimer: I have had a long standing grievance with
Staples. I tried to buy a laptop there a few years ago and was so rudely
treated I swore I’d never do business with them again.
Of course that was all hyperbole cause Staples is the only
game in town and you can’t quit doing business with them unless you plan on
traveling to another town to buy your office supplies.
So I had a mad on at Staples and that’s enough about that
except I wanted to warn you cause I’m going to say some things and I wanted to
be sure you understood where I was coming from.
I took am image to Staples.
You’ve seen it before and have probably wished devoutly that
it would go away and never show its ugly head again. My guess is Staples wishes
exactly the same.
I left the image file with the Print department and went
about my business. In less than the two weeks they said I had a call from
Staples. They said, something had gone wrong in the printing and would I please
come down to the store and bring the original file.
Just what you want to hear right? I had visions of art
terrorists taking a bucket of vermillion paint to my image file and doing all
manner of nasty graffiti and saying horrible things until I realized that it
was an image file and they couldn’t throw paint on it even if they wanted to so
that part of my daymare was wrong and I copied the file to a jump drive and
went to Staples.
I got a look at the image they had made and it truth it
wasn’t even close to what I gave them to work with. The color had made a
radical shift into the green range and instead of being a greyscape it was more
of a greenscape.
The print shop folks were very nice and apologetic and they
offered to send it back and have it reprinted at no additional charge. I
thought this was a good idea cause I’ve dealt with color shifts on my own
printer and they just happen sometimes so I said sure and gave them the jump
drive and went about my merry way.
No I was not making a commentary on my lifestyle just a
traditional saying and don’t read anything into it that wasn’t there cause
you’d be making a big mistake and just because I am an artists does not mean I
have to have a deviant lifestyle, no matter what the House Republicans think.
So maybe I should say I went off on my busy way and leave the other adjectives
strictly alone until such time as they have been rehabilitated by Tarsus the
Good and have been cleansed of all connotative implications.
Again in less than two weeks I had a call and this time it
was the Imperial Omnipotent Stomper Print Meister herself and she said. “It
happened again.”
So off I went to Staples to have another look. And sure
enough the second print was almost exactly like the first one. Peggy, the
Wizard of Oz for printing at Staples was very apologetic and without so much as
a questioning look gave me a full refund and the canvases cause they aren’t the
sort of thing you can resell and hoped the experience wouldn’t sour me on
Staples or the Staples print shop.
The very opposite was true, rather than souring me, the
experience was so pleasant I have a new attitude toward Staples. They did they job
they were paid to do, in the time frame they said it would be done in and they
made the prints as described in so much as they had control of the process. The
fact that the printer could not match my color scheme was way beyond their control
and they made all of the proper corrective measures to insure I would not be
out any money even if I did not get what I had originally asked for.
So there is the story of my experience with Staples prints
on canvas. The process and the people at Staples were as nice as you could want
and made every effort to ensure customer satisfaction that they did not
completely succeed was not their fault.
I would say if you have a piece which you want printed on
canvas and it has a normalish color scheme take it to Staples. They will do the
job and their printer can get the colors right if they aren’t too far from
Me, will I try again? Yes. I’ve had a few days to grow used
to my greenscapes and I find that they have grown on me. I may even do a
comparison shot so you can see exactly how the colors shifted.
For the price you can beat this offer and you should still
try it even if my first experiment wasn’t a rousing success. Just talk to Peggy
and she’ll see you right.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Introducing Juana Almaguer
One of the most pleasant things which I get to do is to introduce new art to the South Coast art community.
I probably haven’t mentioned it before, but I will now cause you should know about it and maybe you’ll sign up and then you too will get the newsletter and the nice thing which happened to me can then happen to you and you’ll be a lot better off for it cause you’ll learn things which you wouldn’t have known about if you hadn’t signed up and you’ll meet people which you probably wouldn’t have met cause they don’t live here and you’d have to go and knock on a whole lot of doors before you got the right one and had it opened by a gifted and talented artist type person and who knows your whole life might just have been changed if you had done this one simple thing.
What is that thing? Oh you want me to cut right to the chase? That’s no fun, but since you insist…
That’s Iprintfrohome the bestest way to get your work printed when you have an absolute deadline and can’t afford to wait another second or when you have a very exacting client and they are so demanding that you think you’ll pull out all of the hair on your head just trying to please them and the print has to be right the first time. Iprintfromhome can do that for you and do it in a very cost effective way. Yes, I haven’t changed my mind a bit; you should still buy locally when you can. Face to face is the best way to communicate what you have in your mind to the guy who runs the press and will be responsible for getting all those fantastic ideas you have on the canvas or print paper. But when time is running out and there is a long line or the guy who runs the local shop is ill or mad or gone walkabout, try Iprintfromhome.
And when you do you’ll have a chance to get their newsletter. I know, I know newsletters are a dime a dozen and they come in by the dozen and you never read them anyway, but this one you should. It is full of great hints, along with a pitch to buy, which should come as no surprise to you since Iprintfromhome has to have some way to pay for the machines which print all of those wonderful images you send to them, so read the parts with the information and buy if you are so inclined but read cause you get to be a better artist from all of the info and the insight into other artists working just as hard as you are to make their work something which will live forever and bring in enough money to keep the lights turned on.
Like Juana Almaguer.
Juana is an artist who was profiled in the Iprintfromhome newsletter and I was so excited by her work that I went to her site and had a long and very humbling look for myself.
Why is it there are sooooooooooooo many artists with so much more talent than me? Rats! I’ll just have to live with it but I don’t like it much.
And yes, Juana is one of those artists with a lot more talent than me. Now you may say, “Self,” the proper form of address when speaking to yourself, “Self, I’ve read his blog and seen his art and frankly being better than the Ole Trawler is something any artist should use as a starting point.” And all of that would be true, but when I say better, I mean a lot better, Kim Wurster, Dutch Mostert, S. L. Donaldson better. But don’t take my word for it, go and look and when you do take a towel cause you will weep bitter tears.
And while you are there, look at the whole site.
The blog section gives a rare look into the heart and mind of an artist while handing out some very thoughtful opinions about a bunch of stuff and a bit of travel talk too, so you don’t actually have to spend all that cash to fly to Japan and these days with cruise ships capsizing right and left you don’t want to take a boat and the train is out so there you are, read Juana’s notes about the time she spent in Japan learning just how to be so much better than the average bear.
The newsletter section of Juana’s site has information we could all use and a great tutorial on her own special work. Take the opportunity to see how one fantastic artist creates her images, it might just kick start your own ideas.
The notes on framing are important too. You know me and framing, anyone who speaks out for simple and elegant and not gold and baroque is my pal for life.
There’s so much more, The Medusa Series, cats and more notes on the advantages of rice paper, (Who knew? I was just eating it all of these years and then the Croaker got hold of me and one more vice bit the dust), while you are being dazzled by the Medusa Series don’t skip the figure portion of the program. Yes, it is a nekkid woman, thank you ever so much and I know how that frightens some of the natives, but artists do this sort of thing although most don’t do it this well.
There is far too much information and art to cover in a blog post. Do yourself a favor and just go to the site
I don’t think for a moment I’ve said the last about this artist and her wonderful art.
Susan Lehman Play Day
This Monday is the Day-- May 21st from 1-4 at Art by the Sea in the Continuum Building,
in Old Town Bandon (across from Winter River Books).
Come play with Susan Lehman and the other Collagaristas!
Drop-in from 1-4 and be dressed for mess! All acrylic mediums and glazes are provided-- along with everything else : )
Create cards, postcards or small collages.
Come and see what Susan has brought back from the Asian stores in Sacramento!
Stay for an hour or for the whole time; $10 per person : )
See you soon!
in Old Town Bandon (across from Winter River Books).
Come play with Susan Lehman and the other Collagaristas!
Drop-in from 1-4 and be dressed for mess! All acrylic mediums and glazes are provided-- along with everything else : )
Create cards, postcards or small collages.
Come and see what Susan has brought back from the Asian stores in Sacramento!
Stay for an hour or for the whole time; $10 per person : )
See you soon!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Why Not Here
It's not too late to sign up for the ArtFul Tour to Ashland on Thursday, May 24!
The tour will be led by Marie Rasmussen. This excursion will feature a guided tour of the Schneider Museum of Art at beautiful Southern Oregon University and matinee performance of Oregon Shakespeare Festival's Romeo & Juliet.
The cost is $60 per person which includes round trip transportation on a luxury coach bus (from the Arts Center) and admission to the museum and play. The bus will leave the Arts Center at 8:00am for Ashland and return at around 5:00pm Registration is limited to the first 39 registrants, so act now! Call 541-672-2532 to register, or drop by the Arts Center in person!
Last year's ArtFul Tour to Portland was lots of fun for everyone involved, so we hope you'll join us for this trip to Ashland! To learn more about the Schneider Museum of Art, click here. To learn about OSF's Romeo & Juliet, click here.
--the UVAA Staff
Again, I am forced to ask why is this not happening here.
Yes, Roseburg is on Highway 5 with a direct shot at all of the bright lights and big cities, but that just make the desirability of a tour even more compelling for places like Coos Bay, North Bend and Bandon. We don’t have that straight path to the events of the bigger venues and maybe we just lack the interest.
I’ve mentioned my own reluctance to devote four or five hours to get to Roseburg and maybe eight or ten to travel to Salem, Eugene or Portland. I’m just too antsy to sit still that long behind the wheel. But if someone else was doing the driving and I could sit back and hat those hours on the road might go faster. They certainly couldn’t go any slower. So why is this happening in Roseburg and not here on the coast?
Are Coastal artists that insular? Is it people just don’t want to be exposed to the bigger venues and so the tours don’t bother with the cities along the sea? That certainly could be the answer. But I’ve noticed even the senior centers and living facilities don’t offer shopping excursions to Roseburg. I guess everything anyone could want is right here in Coos County.
Could it be that interest is so low that it isn’t worth the effort? That could be a reason why the tour is taking folks from Roseburg to Ashland and not from along the sea. But then there are no tours of anything else so far as I have been able to discover.
We do have a wonderful museum and the director and staff spend endless hours working hard to keep the doors open and the lights on and yet, could this sort of excursion be the right kind of community outreach which would motivate artists along the coast to see a wider world? Guess we won’t know and I shouldn’t put anything else on the shoulders of the museum staff. They have enough to do to keep the museum open in spite of The Not-So-Great Depression.
But if the museum won’t sponsor this kind of expedition is there no one to step into the void? Surely we have enough bright and energetic people here and along the coast that some sort of grass-roots effort could be mounted.
One of the great hazards of any kind of creative work is the danger of growing stale. If you see the same events and the same folks at the same venues all of the time, year in and year out, will you become just another provincial putterer?
Yeah, I noticed one more thing I’ve assigned to the community without so much as a single hint at how it might be accomplished. That’s the fun of any event, not the doing which is just the result of hard work, planning and working together but the spark of imagination which fires the spirit until it can’t be contained and bursts forth in an idea which has to be shared and developed. That’s where the fun hides.
And yes, there are three or four extraordinary people in our community who will think about this and add it to the list of a dozen or so projects they already have going cause you see those who do do more and they will find the time and energy to make a thing happen without the bags of money that most projects seem to take, without the support of more than a handful of the folks in the community, without the excuses and the whining that so many people feel compelled to voice even for a little effort, they’ll manage and they’ll make it happen. But just this once, maybe we shouldn’t wait for them to do the job they always seem ready to do, maybe we should take up the slack, maybe we should speak up.
Any one up for a road trip?
Ava Richey's Art News
Hello Everyone,
This Monday, May 21st, 12 - 3 p.m. the paintout will be at 4th SW and Garfield Street in Bandon. It's the dead-end street near the old Cypress tree that leans out over 4th Street/Ocean Drive.
Bring a sack lunch and beverage if you like.
My phone number 541-297-6118.
p.s. ***It's not too late to pick up a board at the Bandon Port Building (541-347-3206). For $5 entry fee you too can join in the fun and paint DRAGON ART for the "Year of the Dragon" Boardwalk Art Show in Old Town.
Art Information:
FYI: New listings have asterisks ***** next to the date.
If any of the web links below in blue are not "live", meaning if you click on it and it doesn't take you to the website,--- right click on it and choose copy, then open your internet web browser, left click on the web address window at the top to highlight it, then right click and paste the web link into your browser and hit enter. The site should open.
Bandon Artist Supply, winter hours: Wednesdays through Saturdays 10 -5 p.m. Closed Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. 541-347-4482 or 541-297-6118
Art by the Sea Studio and Gallery, in the Continuum Building/Old Town Bandon. Open every day except Tuesday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wall art, prints, cards, jewelry, pottery, etc. of local South Coast artists.
Artists' Accomplishments:
We want to honor the achievements of all you artists, so don't be shy about sending the highlights of your art lives, or those of your artist friends.
Congratulations to Catherine Walworth! Her work has been juried in to the Yachats' 15th Annual "Crafts on the Coast, Spring Arts & Crafts Festival". May 26 & 27th at the Yachats Commons on HWY 101. Hours are 10 -4 Saturday and 9- 4 p.m. on Sunday. Free admission.
You can also find her work at Crystal Dolphin Gallery in North Bend, Cone 9 in Pony Village Mall and Katrina Kathleen's in Coos Bay.
Congratulations to the winners of the Miniature and Small Works show at Second Street Gallery!
Miniature Category: 1st place--Jean Stephenson; 2nd place -- Terry Magill; 3rd place -- Laurel Sweigart
Small Works Category: 1st place -- Christy Sanders; 2nd place --Sandy Schroeder; 3rd place -- Neand Bergeret
*****Also--Congratulations to those artists who were awarded Honorable Mention: In the miniature category are Connie Zane, Arlene Campbell, Sheri McGrath, Pat Snyder, Sharon Jensen and Joanne Drapkin. In the small works category are Ken Michaelson, Victoria Tierney, Pat Snyder, Patricia Pike, Michael W. Ousley and Richard Kiehn.
Current Shows:
Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence
*****See Call to Artists in the last section below....
Bandon Public Library May 2012
In the glass cases: "Monsters, Gargoyles and Friends"--- paintings & clay sculptures by the Arts and After School Culture Club at Harbor Lights Middle School and Bandon High School Art Class.
In the hallway gallery: "Mom and the Girls" ---a three generational show of diverse art by Elaine Owens, her daughters Deborah Whitworth, Dawn Vonderlin, Dana Williams, and Dana's daughter Natasha Stulz.
Black Market Gourmet, 495 Central Ave, Coos Bay. Open Tuesday - Friday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. 541-269-0194
Friday, May 17th, 5 - 8 p.m. Opening for photography show by Robert Levy
Chetco Community Library, Brookings
Features Audi Stanton's "Chasing Challenges in Paint". You will see several styles of Audi's diverse artwork at the Library.
Coos Art Museum 235 Anderson Ave. Coos Bay 541-267-3901
"Expression West 2012", and "In Fine Form:Figures by
Four", and "Photographic Synthesis, works by the Oregon Coast
Photographers." The four artists in the figure show are:
Alexandra Eyer--Watercolor & Oil; Lorraine Filippone--Acrylic &
Oil; Pat Renner--Watercolor & Acrylic; J.M. Steele--Oil &
BAAA Artist of the Month for May at Coos Art Museum is Charles of Charleston.
Coos Bay Library 525 West Anderson, Coos Bay
Wall Display:and Lobby Features the wonderful marine art prints and originals of Don McMichael.
Coquille Valley Art Center 10144 Hwy 42, Coquille 541-396-3294
May 5 - June 2nd "Impressions of Old City Hall"
Hours are Monday through Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
****Congratulations to Michael W.Ousley who has a painting displayed in this show.
Coquille Valley Hospital, 940 E. 5th Street, Coquille, OR
Crystal Dolphin Gallery
1901 Sherman Ave, North Bend, 541-756-1989
Easy Lane Frames & Select Gallery
3440 Broadway, North Bend, 541-756-7638
April 6 - May 30 "The Color of Spring",
Emerald Art Center http://www.emeraldartcenter.org/
500 Main Street, Springfield 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday
Evergreen Court, Baycrest Village, 451 O'Connell St., North Bend, OR 541-756-7658
"All-in-One" Solo Art Exhibit featuring paintings by S L Donaldson.
Show runs May 1 - June 30, 2012
Fairbanks Gallery located on campus at OSU in Corvallis. Free, open to the public Mon.- Thurs. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Fridays 8 - 12 noon. Contact Douglas Russell at 541-737-5009, or drussell@oregonstate.edu
*****To see artwork created by Douglas Russell go to Coos Art Museum, upstairs, where Doug's work is currently showing in conjunction with "Expressions West 2012" in which he was the juror.
Florence Events Center
715 Quince Street, Florence Call for more info at 541-997-1994
Freshwater Gallery 236-B, HWY 101, Port Orford 541-332-8019
"Where Does Heat Go", features oil paintings of Geoffrey Rhoads. Opening reception Friday, May 4th, 4:00 p.m. - 7 p.m. Show continues through Memorial Day weekend Port Orford Art Walk event.
****Sunday, May 27th Art Walk 3 - 6:00 p.m.
Gallery by the Bay 2100 Union Ave, North Bend
Kay Van Wart--Mixed media and Watercolor; Pamela Rose--exhuberant acrylics; Ina Christensen--pastel, watercolor, pen & ink paintings; Matt Vegar from Dragonclaw Studio--one of a kind jewelry pieces.
Gallery on the Bay 541-888-3771 Oils & Pastels of Birds & Animals
Hawthorne Gallery, 517 Jefferson St., Port Orford
*****Sunday, May 27th --ArtWalk 3 - 6:00 p.m.
High Tide Cafe, Charleston
****Rod Sullens is the featured artist this month, along with other artists including Michael W. Ousley and Mike Holm.
Open 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays.
Langlois Public Library 48234 Hwy 101, Langlois, OR 97450
Hours: Mon. 11a.m.-2 p.m., Tues-Fri. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Manley Art Center 433 Oak Street, Brookings, OR 541-469-1807
Link to the calendar:
May Artist of the month is Cathy Dean, showing watercolors.
Maude Kerns Gallery 1910 East 15th Ave, Eugene, OR 541-345-1571
Silent Witness:Parvin Butte, OR Photographs by John Bauguess. May 14 - 18th. Opens Monday, May 14th, 6 - 8 p.m. The show bears witness to the mining of a historical natural resource near Dexter.
MECCA (Materials Exchange Center for Community Arts), 449 Willamette Street, Eugene
North Bend Library, Conference Room 541-756-0400
May 2012 South Coast Women in Photography
Avena Singh, Suzy Piatt, Lisa Philips, Tracy Fawns and Patricia Davidson (curator)
Old City Hall-- 99 E. Second Street, Corner of Second & Adams, Coquille
Contact Nella Abbott at 541-824-0779 for information.
Pony Village Mall:
Artists' Loft, 541-756-4088
Glenn Smith, Photography; Guest Artist Carolyn LeGrand featuring watercolors with ink and more.
Cone 9 Local artists featured
East Wing Art Wall (by JoAnn's) Sherry Howk
Sterling Savings Bank
May features paintings by Magda Druzdel.
Harry Ritchie's Jewelers: Artwork of Cheryl LeVesque and Beebe Slater
Turner Art Studio & Gallery, Ste 128, 541-290-7858
Port Orford Library April through June
Sheila Oberg and Andy Anderson
Raincoast Gallery
Featuring work of many local artists.
Gallery is open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily except Tuesdays.
Second Street Gallery, 210 2nd Street, Old Town Bandon
http://www.secondstreetgallery.net/ 541-347-4133 or e-mail at
Fourth Annual Miniature & Small Works Exhibition
Show runs April, May and June, 2012
Signatures Gallery, 515 Chetco Avenue, Brookings, OR 541-469-1085 or
541-661-0132 http://www.signaturesgallery.com/
South Slough Interpretive Center, Charleston -- in the William Q. Wick Auditorium 541-888-5558
March 3rd - May 31st Features "Tropism", S.L. Donaldson's vibrant acrylic and ink paintings convey impacts of various stimuli.
Southern Coos Hospital & Health Care
April 22nd - June "Weather Report--Art Inspired by the Weather"
Triangle Square Gallery 343 6th Avenue, Port Orford, OR
Celebrating the art of Janet Pretti and David Woof
****Sunday, May 27th Artwalk-- 3 - 6:00 p.m.
Umpqua Valley Arts Center, 1625 W. Harvard, Roseburg
541-672-2532 http://www.uvarts.com/
May 11 th "Artworks NW" opens in the Hallie Brown Ford Gallery. Show runs through July 6, 2012
May 11th "Photoworks NW" opens in the Red Gallery. Show runs through July 6, 2012
May 11th "WSO's Traveling Aqueous Exhibit" opens in the Corridor Gallery and the Alcove Gallery.
May 11th "Seasons of Color" by Andrew Duclos opens in Gallery II.
U.S. Bank--Coquille
Works by Joanne Drapkin; Victoria Tierney's paintings of Coos County Parks for the 30 Parks by 30 Artists Show; selected works from "TIME" - A Statewide Traveling Show of Oregon Prison Art.
Whistling Gallery
87456 Ste. A, Whistling Drive, Bandon (located in Laurel Grove, 5 miles south of Bandon.) A variety of artists showing 2-d and 3-d work.
Also in charge of showing work at Billy Smoothboar's and other venues for those artists interested in showing their work, contact Vickie.541-404-7336, or whistlinggallery@gmail.com
Mitch Baird is holding a plein air painting workshop that covers the fundamental principles of painting and composition as well as learning to 'see' as an artist. Drawing, value, color and edges will be stressed as well as building a strong design from the elements of nature. Two day for $200. June 2nd & 3rd. On Sauvie Island near Portland, OR. to register contact Mitch at mitch@mitchbaird.com
Art 101/ Washed Ashore The Purple Yurt, 5 miles south of Bandon on Hwy 101, 541-250-1140 or info@washedashore.org
Sculpture Building Workshop at The Exploratorium in San Francisco, April 18 - 21st
New Workshop Hours: Thursdays, 5 - 8 p.m. and Sundays 2 - 5:00 p.m.
Volunteer Workshops to build "Leo the Leopard Shark" Have a hand in constructing the newest member of the Washed Ashore family. This work is designed to permanently reside at the Chula Vista Nataure Center in San Diego, CA. The sculpture consists of 100% ocean going debris (plastics and more). Help inspire others to do something about this problem by building this eye-catching sculpture.
Art by the Sea, Gallery & Studio 175 2nd St, Continuum Bldg., Old Town Bandon, 541-297-6118
Monday, May 21st, 1-4 p.m. Drop-in Collage Play Day with Susan Lehman. $10, everything provided. No sign-ups needed. Dress for mess. sign up at susan@susanlehmanartist.com or at Art by the Sea.
Saturday, June 2, 2012 1 -3:00 p.m. Flower Printing Workshop with Joanne B. Drapkin. Learn how to create flower, herb or leaf prints. Take home 5 note cards, 1 laminated coaster and colorful practice sheets.
Contact Joanne at 541-347-8179, or sign up at Art by the Sea. $15 jbdrap1550@yahoo.com
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Watercolor Workshop: Learn the Lifting technique. $25 Instructor Victoria Tierney. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information call 541-297-6118.
Artist Loft Gallery, Pony Village Mall, North Bend. Call for Class Information at 541-756-4088
Beginning Watercolor with Carol Young, for info call 541-260-4573.
Bay Be, located in Charleston, next door to High Tide Cafe is now open and offers licensed childcare for kids 3 yrs & up with a focus on nature and art projects. ALSO offer workshops for adults--making lip balm, jewelry, knitting and yoga.
Drop-in Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. with only $5 and 5 minutes we can help you create a craft such as paper, a candle, a willow basket, driftwood sculpture or bird feeder. 541-888-3265, Find us on Facebook.
*****Grand Opening, Saturday, May 19th. 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 541-888-3265
Brookings Area and more:
various classes are listed at http://wildriverscoastart.com/
Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay 541-267-4877 for more information.
Multi-Media Design for Young Artists, begins Tuesday, July 10th, with Stephanie Tomlin
Saturdays, May 12th & 19th: Paper Arts with Holly Rodenkirk and Mary Cervantes 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Pastel Expression Session with Karen Watson Sat. & Sun., July 7 & 8th 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Coquille Valley Art Association 10144 Hwy 42, Coquille, OR 541-396-3294
Painting with Pat Weaver 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Painting with Anna Crosby 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Thursdays & Fridays
Painting/Drawing 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Mondays
Painting with Bunny Upton 12 - 3 p.m. Mondays
Woodcarving with Larry Roberts 9-12 Mondays 541-396-2579
Woodcarving 6 - 9:00 p.m. Tuesdays
Wood Burning 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tuesdays
Play with Clay 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Thursdays
Ken Means Carving 9 - 12 noon and 6 - 9 p.m. on Wednesdays
Quilting 10 a.m. on Wednesdays
Appliqué 10 a.m. Tuesdays
Stained Glass 2:30 - 5:00 and another at 6 - 9 p.m. Mondays and Fridays 9:30 - 12:30
Fiber Arts 10 a.m. on Fridays
Yoga 6 p.m. Mondays No Classes during January or February.
Easy Lane Frames, 3440 Broadway, North Bend, 541-756-7638
Contact for information on a variety of classes.
****"Creating Texture in Collage" with Susan Lehman
Thursday, May 24, 2012 2 - 5:00 p.m. $35, all materials included
Palette Knife Technique with Acrylics with Carolyn Le Grande is continuing on Mondays from 2 - 4:00 p.m. Call to see about joining this class.
Cartooning with Bandon artist Leo Chiantelli will be offered at the gallery this summer. Students of any age and ability are welcome. Class will be four sessions for $60. Supply list available at the gallery.
The gallery is interested in setting up some children's classes for summer.
If you would be interested in teaching a class please contact Jane 541-756-7638.
FreshWater Gallery, 236B Hwy 101, Port Orford (next to Paula's Bistro)
For information: 541-332-8019 or 541-236-8077, or wilddoodle@earthlink.net
Gallery on the Bay
658 S. Empire Blvd, Empire 541-888-3771
Lessons in painting pastel by Darrell Sanders.
Heritage Textile Arts Guild
157#A, Pony Village Mall, North Bend
Lessons available in wearables, kitchen linens and gift items.
Manley Art Center, Brookings
Call for class and workshop schedules. 541-469-1807
Rosie's Art Carnival, 575 B Hwy 101, Florence
artcarnival@oregonfast.net http://www.coquillevalleyartcenter.org/
Friday, May 18th Card Class $5 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Make 2 great cards.
Friday, May 25th Card Class $5 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Make 2 cards.
Saturday, May 26th Fine and Sunny Cards $18 Make 3 cards and a tag.
Sage Place, 11th & Elmira, Bandon
For a schedule of classes offered go to: http://www.sagegallerybandon.com/
SIGN UP NOW for upcoming SAS COLBY workshop on Sept 21st and 22nd. new things different than last year. deposit now...class fee will be $225
Southwestern Community College
Gold Beach SWOCC Center (on the fairgrounds) 541-247-274
SOCC, Port Orford : Saturday, May 19th, 1 - 5 p.m. "Aspect Dolls: A Mixed Media Art Workshop" Identify different parts of yourself and create mixed media dolls to honor those parts. lindajmulvaney@gmail.com
Umpqua Valley Arts Center, Roseburg
1624 W. Harvard, Roseburg, OR 97471 541-672-2532 http://www.uvarts.com/
Wright's Custom Framing 910 Chetco Ave, Brookings 541-469-7625
Drop in Art Workshop every Friday Afternoon 1 - 4 p.m.
Individual instruction in any medium; demonstrations in various mediums;
critiques of completed work and works in progress. $12 per session. Just drop in and bring something you would like to work on, or need help with.
Each week something new is presented during demonstrations.
Dateline Events:
May 19 & 20, 2012 Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
A Combined Gala Exhibit: Neighbor to Neighbor Chair~ity Event and Bay Area Artists' Association Pony Village Mall Art Show. Across from Claire's in the Mall, (same place as the 30 Parks by 30 Artists Exhibit)
***Thursday, May 24, 2012 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Gold Beach Episcopal Church Easternmost end of Moore Street.
Figure Drawing. To confirm & for more information contact Alexandra
****Sunday, May 27, 2012 3 - 6:00 p.m.
Port Orford Art Walk includes Artist's Nook, Agate Gardens, Dana's Trading Post, Freshwater Gallery, Hawthorne Gallery, Johnson Gallery, Point B Studio, Rick Cook Gallery, Roaring Sea Arts and TriAngle Square Gallery. Art, music and refreshments. Maps available around town.
****Sunday, May 27, 2012 1 - 4:00 p.m.
Roaring Sea Arts in Port Orford Artists, musicians and writers will be providing informal entertainment. Refreshments will be served. Participating in Art Walk. Call Donna at 332-4444 or Suzanne at 332-0540.
*****Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5 - 7:00 p.m.
Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence 541-997-8980 http://backstreetgallery.org/
After Hours Party--mingle with the artists, listen to music and enjoy appetizers.
Saturday, June 2, 2012 9:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Curry Arts Free Watercolor Class
Brookings artists Audi Stanton will help you complete a full painting and show you some painting and texture techniques to make a magnificent seascape. For adults 18 and older. To sign up, call Sharon Guinn at 541-425-1213. Limited space so sign up early. Workshop materials list is available. Participants encouraged to bring a sack lunch.
****Saturday, June 9, 2012 3 p.m.
BAAA sponsors "Chalk it Up" at Portland Bagel Co.#3 on the corner of Virginia & Newmark in North Bend. The tables there are covered with chalkboard paint. Artists are free to collaborate so bring your friends and create fun artwork. The owner will take pictures of completed artwork for display at Portland Bagel Co. #3. No fee to participate. Chalk in various colors will be provided. RSVP would be helpful, but is not required. For more info contact Stephanie Donaldson at 541-404-9511 or info@sldonaldsonfineart.com
Winner of the best Chalk 'Masterpiece' gets a Bagel Sandwich.
*****Saturday, June 9, 2012 2 - 4 p.m.
South Slough NERR Interpretive Center, Charleston 61907 Seven Devils Rd 541-888-5558
Opening reception for "Fission/Fusion: Reflecting the Power of Art" Features the work of Yvonne Ramirez Ousley, Sarita Southgate and Michael William Ousley.
Show runs June 9 - Aug. 30, 2012 Hours are 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Tueseday through Saturday.
Calls to Artists:
***** "Models on the Move" Backstreet Gallery, Florence
Artists have the opportunity to decorate an artist's mannequin in a creative, clever, flamboyant way to enhance and transform the model into an art piece. Entry fee and mannequin $10. Can be picked up beginning May 15th at Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence.
The model creations will be on display at the Gallery during the month of August. Opening reception is on August 11th Artwalk for all artists. The proceeds go to Florence's GALA ArtWalk. A silent auction and reception to celebrate the models will take place in the Bromley Room at the Siuslaw Library, Saturday, 8/15/12, 5-7 p.m.
Delivery Deadline Monday & Tuesday, June 4th & 5th
Easy Lane Frames invites you to enter "Sand and Sea": Artwork spotlighting the beautiful South Coast. This show will be judged by a professional; prizes and ribbons awarded. Art may be 2 or 3 dimensional. No size limitation. 2-dimensional work must be ready to hang. Opening reception will be Thursday, June 14th during ArtWalk, 5 - 8:00 p.m. For more information call 541-756-7638.
Deadline May 19, 2012 2:00 p.m.
Redfish Rocks is hosting an "Ocean Inspired Art" art contest and auction.
Three categories: under 15; amateur; professional. No Photography (that was last year). Paintings, drawings, screen prints, sculpture, furniture, etc.
Judging takes place at the Port Orford Community Bldg, 419 11th ST on Saturday, May 19th, 5 - 7 p.m. All submissions will be on display and the community will vote during this period. For information:
info@redfishrocks.org or 541-373-1861, or stop by the office at 444 Jackson Street, Port Orford
******Time to get cracking on this project---it will be July before you know it. :)
The Summer Show: (July, August, September): “GAMES PEOPLE PLAY”
Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center, Bandon
It was Crystal Landucci’s impressive collection of games of Chinese checkers that inspired this one. We’re looking for board games of all sorts that can be mounted on the walls; your own inventions would be great too……you’ve got a little while to work on this one so start inlaying those chess boards or drilling those cribbage sets….(fashioning those dominos?)…….This should be a really fun exhibit for the summer and we hope it will combine collectibles and the fruits of your imagination.
Five Rivers, Five Days Plein Air Festival , and Quick Draw Event August 13 - 17, 2012 $5.00 to enter Quick Draw Contest, No fee to register as artist. 541-469-9522 burtonique@gmail.com
Deadline: Friday, June 1, 2012, 11:59PM Mountain Daylight Time.
2nd Annual Industry & Art juried exhibition and sale to be held at Vigor Industrial on Swan Island, 5555 N. Channel Ave., Portland. .Industry in Art (sponsored by the Working Waterfront Coalition of Portland) invite artists in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana to submit up the 3 digital images of existing original artwork. The event is a fundraiser to support
industrial job training programs and habitat restoration.
Applications must be submitted using the CaFÉ website
Application deadline June 1, 2012 5:00 p.m.
The City of Ashland Public Art Commission is seeking an artist(s) to create site-specific art as part of the Ashland Fire Station No. 2 replacement. The Fire Station is located at 1860 Ashland Street. This opportunity is
open to established professional artists living in the Northwest
(Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and California.)
Umpqua Valley Arts Association , Roseburg
44th Annual Summer Arts Festival, scheduled for Friday, June 22nd through Sunday, June 24th, 2012.
Look on their website: http://www.uvarts.com starting in January for applications for booths for artists, crafters, food vendors and entertainers.
This is an established, major cultural event in the Umpqua Valley drawing artists and crafters from across the U.S. for the 3 day festival with live music, food from local vendors, and lots of art. The event draws over 16,000 visitors of all ages. Proceeds benefit the UVAA's arts-in-education programs, bringing art instruction to elementary school children in Douglas
Those with questions are encouraged to consult the FAQ document posted on
http://uvarts.com/summer-arts-festival/ or contact the UVAA by phone at 541-672-2532.
The Fall Show: (October, November, December) “WHAT I DID ON MY VACATION”
Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center, Bandon
Paintings and Journals created by the travelers amongst us. We already have some folks in mind but if you have some work you think might fit in….please let us know.
The Artists' Village, McMinnville, OR Saturday & Sunday, July 14th & 15th, 2012
The McMinnville Sunrise Rotary Club is hosting their 4th Annual Artists' Village. Funds raised from this event go to help develop the arts and help Oregon artists with this event.
This is a juried event to obtain a booth at this show in order to sell your work. 10 ' x 10' booth under a tent, $100 for both days. Jurying fee will be non-refundable $25. Best in Show cash prizes total $1000.
They are looking for a variety of fine art participants including painting, sculpture, pottery, metalwork, dance, music and readings.
Information and applications will be posted in January on their website: http://www.artinmac.org/ Their email contact is artinmac@gmail.com
Bandon Library Art Committee is seeking artists for exhibitions in both the Hallway Gallery and the Glass Cases during the 2013. You can also put your name on the list in case there are cancellations before then.
The art can be paintings, drawings, mixed media, photography, and the like; crafts, collections, small sculptures and/or jewelry for the cases. Please contact Alexis Proctor at alexis2101p@yahoo.com or call 541-329-0530.
Opportunity to Sell your Work:
Kathy from "Katherine's" in Pony Village Mall (south wing) is seeking artists to display art on Art Walk Thursdays from 5 - 8:00 p.m. each month.
The upcoming one is June 14th. The Mall will provide easels and tables. Other stores will be doing music and appetizers. There is no fee, no commission...it's FREE. Contact Kathy at 541-808-2248.
This Monday, May 21st, 12 - 3 p.m. the paintout will be at 4th SW and Garfield Street in Bandon. It's the dead-end street near the old Cypress tree that leans out over 4th Street/Ocean Drive.
Bring a sack lunch and beverage if you like.
My phone number 541-297-6118.
p.s. ***It's not too late to pick up a board at the Bandon Port Building (541-347-3206). For $5 entry fee you too can join in the fun and paint DRAGON ART for the "Year of the Dragon" Boardwalk Art Show in Old Town.
Art Information:
FYI: New listings have asterisks ***** next to the date.
If any of the web links below in blue are not "live", meaning if you click on it and it doesn't take you to the website,--- right click on it and choose copy, then open your internet web browser, left click on the web address window at the top to highlight it, then right click and paste the web link into your browser and hit enter. The site should open.
Bandon Artist Supply, winter hours: Wednesdays through Saturdays 10 -5 p.m. Closed Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. 541-347-4482 or 541-297-6118
Art by the Sea Studio and Gallery, in the Continuum Building/Old Town Bandon. Open every day except Tuesday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wall art, prints, cards, jewelry, pottery, etc. of local South Coast artists.
Artists' Accomplishments:
We want to honor the achievements of all you artists, so don't be shy about sending the highlights of your art lives, or those of your artist friends.
Congratulations to Catherine Walworth! Her work has been juried in to the Yachats' 15th Annual "Crafts on the Coast, Spring Arts & Crafts Festival". May 26 & 27th at the Yachats Commons on HWY 101. Hours are 10 -4 Saturday and 9- 4 p.m. on Sunday. Free admission.
You can also find her work at Crystal Dolphin Gallery in North Bend, Cone 9 in Pony Village Mall and Katrina Kathleen's in Coos Bay.
Congratulations to the winners of the Miniature and Small Works show at Second Street Gallery!
Miniature Category: 1st place--Jean Stephenson; 2nd place -- Terry Magill; 3rd place -- Laurel Sweigart
Small Works Category: 1st place -- Christy Sanders; 2nd place --Sandy Schroeder; 3rd place -- Neand Bergeret
*****Also--Congratulations to those artists who were awarded Honorable Mention: In the miniature category are Connie Zane, Arlene Campbell, Sheri McGrath, Pat Snyder, Sharon Jensen and Joanne Drapkin. In the small works category are Ken Michaelson, Victoria Tierney, Pat Snyder, Patricia Pike, Michael W. Ousley and Richard Kiehn.
Current Shows:
Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence
*****See Call to Artists in the last section below....
Bandon Public Library May 2012
In the glass cases: "Monsters, Gargoyles and Friends"--- paintings & clay sculptures by the Arts and After School Culture Club at Harbor Lights Middle School and Bandon High School Art Class.
In the hallway gallery: "Mom and the Girls" ---a three generational show of diverse art by Elaine Owens, her daughters Deborah Whitworth, Dawn Vonderlin, Dana Williams, and Dana's daughter Natasha Stulz.
Black Market Gourmet, 495 Central Ave, Coos Bay. Open Tuesday - Friday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. 541-269-0194
Friday, May 17th, 5 - 8 p.m. Opening for photography show by Robert Levy
Chetco Community Library, Brookings
Features Audi Stanton's "Chasing Challenges in Paint". You will see several styles of Audi's diverse artwork at the Library.
Coos Art Museum 235 Anderson Ave. Coos Bay 541-267-3901
"Expression West 2012", and "In Fine Form:Figures by
Four", and "Photographic Synthesis, works by the Oregon Coast
Photographers." The four artists in the figure show are:
Alexandra Eyer--Watercolor & Oil; Lorraine Filippone--Acrylic &
Oil; Pat Renner--Watercolor & Acrylic; J.M. Steele--Oil &
BAAA Artist of the Month for May at Coos Art Museum is Charles of Charleston.
Coos Bay Library 525 West Anderson, Coos Bay
Wall Display:and Lobby Features the wonderful marine art prints and originals of Don McMichael.
Coquille Valley Art Center 10144 Hwy 42, Coquille 541-396-3294
May 5 - June 2nd "Impressions of Old City Hall"
Hours are Monday through Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
****Congratulations to Michael W.Ousley who has a painting displayed in this show.
Coquille Valley Hospital, 940 E. 5th Street, Coquille, OR
Crystal Dolphin Gallery
1901 Sherman Ave, North Bend, 541-756-1989
Easy Lane Frames & Select Gallery
3440 Broadway, North Bend, 541-756-7638
April 6 - May 30 "The Color of Spring",
Emerald Art Center http://www.emeraldartcenter.org/
500 Main Street, Springfield 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday
Evergreen Court, Baycrest Village, 451 O'Connell St., North Bend, OR 541-756-7658
"All-in-One" Solo Art Exhibit featuring paintings by S L Donaldson.
Show runs May 1 - June 30, 2012
Fairbanks Gallery located on campus at OSU in Corvallis. Free, open to the public Mon.- Thurs. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Fridays 8 - 12 noon. Contact Douglas Russell at 541-737-5009, or drussell@oregonstate.edu
*****To see artwork created by Douglas Russell go to Coos Art Museum, upstairs, where Doug's work is currently showing in conjunction with "Expressions West 2012" in which he was the juror.
Florence Events Center
715 Quince Street, Florence Call for more info at 541-997-1994
Freshwater Gallery 236-B, HWY 101, Port Orford 541-332-8019
"Where Does Heat Go", features oil paintings of Geoffrey Rhoads. Opening reception Friday, May 4th, 4:00 p.m. - 7 p.m. Show continues through Memorial Day weekend Port Orford Art Walk event.
****Sunday, May 27th Art Walk 3 - 6:00 p.m.
Gallery by the Bay 2100 Union Ave, North Bend
Kay Van Wart--Mixed media and Watercolor; Pamela Rose--exhuberant acrylics; Ina Christensen--pastel, watercolor, pen & ink paintings; Matt Vegar from Dragonclaw Studio--one of a kind jewelry pieces.
Gallery on the Bay 541-888-3771 Oils & Pastels of Birds & Animals
Hawthorne Gallery, 517 Jefferson St., Port Orford
*****Sunday, May 27th --ArtWalk 3 - 6:00 p.m.
High Tide Cafe, Charleston
****Rod Sullens is the featured artist this month, along with other artists including Michael W. Ousley and Mike Holm.
Open 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays.
Langlois Public Library 48234 Hwy 101, Langlois, OR 97450
Hours: Mon. 11a.m.-2 p.m., Tues-Fri. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Manley Art Center 433 Oak Street, Brookings, OR 541-469-1807
Link to the calendar:
May Artist of the month is Cathy Dean, showing watercolors.
Maude Kerns Gallery 1910 East 15th Ave, Eugene, OR 541-345-1571
Silent Witness:Parvin Butte, OR Photographs by John Bauguess. May 14 - 18th. Opens Monday, May 14th, 6 - 8 p.m. The show bears witness to the mining of a historical natural resource near Dexter.
MECCA (Materials Exchange Center for Community Arts), 449 Willamette Street, Eugene
North Bend Library, Conference Room 541-756-0400
May 2012 South Coast Women in Photography
Avena Singh, Suzy Piatt, Lisa Philips, Tracy Fawns and Patricia Davidson (curator)
Old City Hall-- 99 E. Second Street, Corner of Second & Adams, Coquille
Contact Nella Abbott at 541-824-0779 for information.
Pony Village Mall:
Artists' Loft, 541-756-4088
Glenn Smith, Photography; Guest Artist Carolyn LeGrand featuring watercolors with ink and more.
Cone 9 Local artists featured
East Wing Art Wall (by JoAnn's) Sherry Howk
Sterling Savings Bank
May features paintings by Magda Druzdel.
Harry Ritchie's Jewelers: Artwork of Cheryl LeVesque and Beebe Slater
Turner Art Studio & Gallery, Ste 128, 541-290-7858
Port Orford Library April through June
Sheila Oberg and Andy Anderson
Raincoast Gallery
Featuring work of many local artists.
Gallery is open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily except Tuesdays.
Second Street Gallery, 210 2nd Street, Old Town Bandon
http://www.secondstreetgallery.net/ 541-347-4133 or e-mail at
Fourth Annual Miniature & Small Works Exhibition
Show runs April, May and June, 2012
Signatures Gallery, 515 Chetco Avenue, Brookings, OR 541-469-1085 or
541-661-0132 http://www.signaturesgallery.com/
South Slough Interpretive Center, Charleston -- in the William Q. Wick Auditorium 541-888-5558
March 3rd - May 31st Features "Tropism", S.L. Donaldson's vibrant acrylic and ink paintings convey impacts of various stimuli.
Southern Coos Hospital & Health Care
April 22nd - June "Weather Report--Art Inspired by the Weather"
Triangle Square Gallery 343 6th Avenue, Port Orford, OR
Celebrating the art of Janet Pretti and David Woof
****Sunday, May 27th Artwalk-- 3 - 6:00 p.m.
Umpqua Valley Arts Center, 1625 W. Harvard, Roseburg
541-672-2532 http://www.uvarts.com/
May 11 th "Artworks NW" opens in the Hallie Brown Ford Gallery. Show runs through July 6, 2012
May 11th "Photoworks NW" opens in the Red Gallery. Show runs through July 6, 2012
May 11th "WSO's Traveling Aqueous Exhibit" opens in the Corridor Gallery and the Alcove Gallery.
May 11th "Seasons of Color" by Andrew Duclos opens in Gallery II.
U.S. Bank--Coquille
Works by Joanne Drapkin; Victoria Tierney's paintings of Coos County Parks for the 30 Parks by 30 Artists Show; selected works from "TIME" - A Statewide Traveling Show of Oregon Prison Art.
Whistling Gallery
87456 Ste. A, Whistling Drive, Bandon (located in Laurel Grove, 5 miles south of Bandon.) A variety of artists showing 2-d and 3-d work.
Also in charge of showing work at Billy Smoothboar's and other venues for those artists interested in showing their work, contact Vickie.541-404-7336, or whistlinggallery@gmail.com
Mitch Baird is holding a plein air painting workshop that covers the fundamental principles of painting and composition as well as learning to 'see' as an artist. Drawing, value, color and edges will be stressed as well as building a strong design from the elements of nature. Two day for $200. June 2nd & 3rd. On Sauvie Island near Portland, OR. to register contact Mitch at mitch@mitchbaird.com
Art 101/ Washed Ashore The Purple Yurt, 5 miles south of Bandon on Hwy 101, 541-250-1140 or info@washedashore.org
Sculpture Building Workshop at The Exploratorium in San Francisco, April 18 - 21st
New Workshop Hours: Thursdays, 5 - 8 p.m. and Sundays 2 - 5:00 p.m.
Volunteer Workshops to build "Leo the Leopard Shark" Have a hand in constructing the newest member of the Washed Ashore family. This work is designed to permanently reside at the Chula Vista Nataure Center in San Diego, CA. The sculpture consists of 100% ocean going debris (plastics and more). Help inspire others to do something about this problem by building this eye-catching sculpture.
Art by the Sea, Gallery & Studio 175 2nd St, Continuum Bldg., Old Town Bandon, 541-297-6118
Monday, May 21st, 1-4 p.m. Drop-in Collage Play Day with Susan Lehman. $10, everything provided. No sign-ups needed. Dress for mess. sign up at susan@susanlehmanartist.com or at Art by the Sea.
Saturday, June 2, 2012 1 -3:00 p.m. Flower Printing Workshop with Joanne B. Drapkin. Learn how to create flower, herb or leaf prints. Take home 5 note cards, 1 laminated coaster and colorful practice sheets.
Contact Joanne at 541-347-8179, or sign up at Art by the Sea. $15 jbdrap1550@yahoo.com
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Watercolor Workshop: Learn the Lifting technique. $25 Instructor Victoria Tierney. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information call 541-297-6118.
Artist Loft Gallery, Pony Village Mall, North Bend. Call for Class Information at 541-756-4088
Beginning Watercolor with Carol Young, for info call 541-260-4573.
Bay Be, located in Charleston, next door to High Tide Cafe is now open and offers licensed childcare for kids 3 yrs & up with a focus on nature and art projects. ALSO offer workshops for adults--making lip balm, jewelry, knitting and yoga.
Drop-in Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. with only $5 and 5 minutes we can help you create a craft such as paper, a candle, a willow basket, driftwood sculpture or bird feeder. 541-888-3265, Find us on Facebook.
*****Grand Opening, Saturday, May 19th. 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 541-888-3265
Brookings Area and more:
various classes are listed at http://wildriverscoastart.com/
Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay 541-267-4877 for more information.
Multi-Media Design for Young Artists, begins Tuesday, July 10th, with Stephanie Tomlin
Saturdays, May 12th & 19th: Paper Arts with Holly Rodenkirk and Mary Cervantes 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Pastel Expression Session with Karen Watson Sat. & Sun., July 7 & 8th 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Coquille Valley Art Association 10144 Hwy 42, Coquille, OR 541-396-3294
Painting with Pat Weaver 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Painting with Anna Crosby 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Thursdays & Fridays
Painting/Drawing 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Mondays
Painting with Bunny Upton 12 - 3 p.m. Mondays
Woodcarving with Larry Roberts 9-12 Mondays 541-396-2579
Woodcarving 6 - 9:00 p.m. Tuesdays
Wood Burning 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tuesdays
Play with Clay 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Thursdays
Ken Means Carving 9 - 12 noon and 6 - 9 p.m. on Wednesdays
Quilting 10 a.m. on Wednesdays
Appliqué 10 a.m. Tuesdays
Stained Glass 2:30 - 5:00 and another at 6 - 9 p.m. Mondays and Fridays 9:30 - 12:30
Fiber Arts 10 a.m. on Fridays
Yoga 6 p.m. Mondays No Classes during January or February.
Easy Lane Frames, 3440 Broadway, North Bend, 541-756-7638
Contact for information on a variety of classes.
****"Creating Texture in Collage" with Susan Lehman
Thursday, May 24, 2012 2 - 5:00 p.m. $35, all materials included
Palette Knife Technique with Acrylics with Carolyn Le Grande is continuing on Mondays from 2 - 4:00 p.m. Call to see about joining this class.
Cartooning with Bandon artist Leo Chiantelli will be offered at the gallery this summer. Students of any age and ability are welcome. Class will be four sessions for $60. Supply list available at the gallery.
The gallery is interested in setting up some children's classes for summer.
If you would be interested in teaching a class please contact Jane 541-756-7638.
FreshWater Gallery, 236B Hwy 101, Port Orford (next to Paula's Bistro)
For information: 541-332-8019 or 541-236-8077, or wilddoodle@earthlink.net
Gallery on the Bay
658 S. Empire Blvd, Empire 541-888-3771
Lessons in painting pastel by Darrell Sanders.
Heritage Textile Arts Guild
157#A, Pony Village Mall, North Bend
Lessons available in wearables, kitchen linens and gift items.
Manley Art Center, Brookings
Call for class and workshop schedules. 541-469-1807
Rosie's Art Carnival, 575 B Hwy 101, Florence
artcarnival@oregonfast.net http://www.coquillevalleyartcenter.org/
Friday, May 18th Card Class $5 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Make 2 great cards.
Friday, May 25th Card Class $5 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Make 2 cards.
Saturday, May 26th Fine and Sunny Cards $18 Make 3 cards and a tag.
Sage Place, 11th & Elmira, Bandon
For a schedule of classes offered go to: http://www.sagegallerybandon.com/
SIGN UP NOW for upcoming SAS COLBY workshop on Sept 21st and 22nd. new things different than last year. deposit now...class fee will be $225
Southwestern Community College
Gold Beach SWOCC Center (on the fairgrounds) 541-247-274
SOCC, Port Orford : Saturday, May 19th, 1 - 5 p.m. "Aspect Dolls: A Mixed Media Art Workshop" Identify different parts of yourself and create mixed media dolls to honor those parts. lindajmulvaney@gmail.com
Umpqua Valley Arts Center, Roseburg
1624 W. Harvard, Roseburg, OR 97471 541-672-2532 http://www.uvarts.com/
Wright's Custom Framing 910 Chetco Ave, Brookings 541-469-7625
Drop in Art Workshop every Friday Afternoon 1 - 4 p.m.
Individual instruction in any medium; demonstrations in various mediums;
critiques of completed work and works in progress. $12 per session. Just drop in and bring something you would like to work on, or need help with.
Each week something new is presented during demonstrations.
Dateline Events:
May 19 & 20, 2012 Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
A Combined Gala Exhibit: Neighbor to Neighbor Chair~ity Event and Bay Area Artists' Association Pony Village Mall Art Show. Across from Claire's in the Mall, (same place as the 30 Parks by 30 Artists Exhibit)
***Thursday, May 24, 2012 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Gold Beach Episcopal Church Easternmost end of Moore Street.
Figure Drawing. To confirm & for more information contact Alexandra
****Sunday, May 27, 2012 3 - 6:00 p.m.
Port Orford Art Walk includes Artist's Nook, Agate Gardens, Dana's Trading Post, Freshwater Gallery, Hawthorne Gallery, Johnson Gallery, Point B Studio, Rick Cook Gallery, Roaring Sea Arts and TriAngle Square Gallery. Art, music and refreshments. Maps available around town.
****Sunday, May 27, 2012 1 - 4:00 p.m.
Roaring Sea Arts in Port Orford Artists, musicians and writers will be providing informal entertainment. Refreshments will be served. Participating in Art Walk. Call Donna at 332-4444 or Suzanne at 332-0540.
*****Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5 - 7:00 p.m.
Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence 541-997-8980 http://backstreetgallery.org/
After Hours Party--mingle with the artists, listen to music and enjoy appetizers.
Saturday, June 2, 2012 9:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Curry Arts Free Watercolor Class
Brookings artists Audi Stanton will help you complete a full painting and show you some painting and texture techniques to make a magnificent seascape. For adults 18 and older. To sign up, call Sharon Guinn at 541-425-1213. Limited space so sign up early. Workshop materials list is available. Participants encouraged to bring a sack lunch.
****Saturday, June 9, 2012 3 p.m.
BAAA sponsors "Chalk it Up" at Portland Bagel Co.#3 on the corner of Virginia & Newmark in North Bend. The tables there are covered with chalkboard paint. Artists are free to collaborate so bring your friends and create fun artwork. The owner will take pictures of completed artwork for display at Portland Bagel Co. #3. No fee to participate. Chalk in various colors will be provided. RSVP would be helpful, but is not required. For more info contact Stephanie Donaldson at 541-404-9511 or info@sldonaldsonfineart.com
Winner of the best Chalk 'Masterpiece' gets a Bagel Sandwich.
*****Saturday, June 9, 2012 2 - 4 p.m.
South Slough NERR Interpretive Center, Charleston 61907 Seven Devils Rd 541-888-5558
Opening reception for "Fission/Fusion: Reflecting the Power of Art" Features the work of Yvonne Ramirez Ousley, Sarita Southgate and Michael William Ousley.
Show runs June 9 - Aug. 30, 2012 Hours are 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Tueseday through Saturday.
Calls to Artists:
***** "Models on the Move" Backstreet Gallery, Florence
Artists have the opportunity to decorate an artist's mannequin in a creative, clever, flamboyant way to enhance and transform the model into an art piece. Entry fee and mannequin $10. Can be picked up beginning May 15th at Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, Florence.
The model creations will be on display at the Gallery during the month of August. Opening reception is on August 11th Artwalk for all artists. The proceeds go to Florence's GALA ArtWalk. A silent auction and reception to celebrate the models will take place in the Bromley Room at the Siuslaw Library, Saturday, 8/15/12, 5-7 p.m.
Delivery Deadline Monday & Tuesday, June 4th & 5th
Easy Lane Frames invites you to enter "Sand and Sea": Artwork spotlighting the beautiful South Coast. This show will be judged by a professional; prizes and ribbons awarded. Art may be 2 or 3 dimensional. No size limitation. 2-dimensional work must be ready to hang. Opening reception will be Thursday, June 14th during ArtWalk, 5 - 8:00 p.m. For more information call 541-756-7638.
Deadline May 19, 2012 2:00 p.m.
Redfish Rocks is hosting an "Ocean Inspired Art" art contest and auction.
Three categories: under 15; amateur; professional. No Photography (that was last year). Paintings, drawings, screen prints, sculpture, furniture, etc.
Judging takes place at the Port Orford Community Bldg, 419 11th ST on Saturday, May 19th, 5 - 7 p.m. All submissions will be on display and the community will vote during this period. For information:
info@redfishrocks.org or 541-373-1861, or stop by the office at 444 Jackson Street, Port Orford
******Time to get cracking on this project---it will be July before you know it. :)
The Summer Show: (July, August, September): “GAMES PEOPLE PLAY”
Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center, Bandon
It was Crystal Landucci’s impressive collection of games of Chinese checkers that inspired this one. We’re looking for board games of all sorts that can be mounted on the walls; your own inventions would be great too……you’ve got a little while to work on this one so start inlaying those chess boards or drilling those cribbage sets….(fashioning those dominos?)…….This should be a really fun exhibit for the summer and we hope it will combine collectibles and the fruits of your imagination.
Five Rivers, Five Days Plein Air Festival , and Quick Draw Event August 13 - 17, 2012 $5.00 to enter Quick Draw Contest, No fee to register as artist. 541-469-9522 burtonique@gmail.com
Deadline: Friday, June 1, 2012, 11:59PM Mountain Daylight Time.
2nd Annual Industry & Art juried exhibition and sale to be held at Vigor Industrial on Swan Island, 5555 N. Channel Ave., Portland. .Industry in Art (sponsored by the Working Waterfront Coalition of Portland) invite artists in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana to submit up the 3 digital images of existing original artwork. The event is a fundraiser to support
industrial job training programs and habitat restoration.
Applications must be submitted using the CaFÉ website
Application deadline June 1, 2012 5:00 p.m.
The City of Ashland Public Art Commission is seeking an artist(s) to create site-specific art as part of the Ashland Fire Station No. 2 replacement. The Fire Station is located at 1860 Ashland Street. This opportunity is
open to established professional artists living in the Northwest
(Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and California.)
Umpqua Valley Arts Association , Roseburg
44th Annual Summer Arts Festival, scheduled for Friday, June 22nd through Sunday, June 24th, 2012.
Look on their website: http://www.uvarts.com starting in January for applications for booths for artists, crafters, food vendors and entertainers.
This is an established, major cultural event in the Umpqua Valley drawing artists and crafters from across the U.S. for the 3 day festival with live music, food from local vendors, and lots of art. The event draws over 16,000 visitors of all ages. Proceeds benefit the UVAA's arts-in-education programs, bringing art instruction to elementary school children in Douglas
Those with questions are encouraged to consult the FAQ document posted on
http://uvarts.com/summer-arts-festival/ or contact the UVAA by phone at 541-672-2532.
The Fall Show: (October, November, December) “WHAT I DID ON MY VACATION”
Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center, Bandon
Paintings and Journals created by the travelers amongst us. We already have some folks in mind but if you have some work you think might fit in….please let us know.
The Artists' Village, McMinnville, OR Saturday & Sunday, July 14th & 15th, 2012
The McMinnville Sunrise Rotary Club is hosting their 4th Annual Artists' Village. Funds raised from this event go to help develop the arts and help Oregon artists with this event.
This is a juried event to obtain a booth at this show in order to sell your work. 10 ' x 10' booth under a tent, $100 for both days. Jurying fee will be non-refundable $25. Best in Show cash prizes total $1000.
They are looking for a variety of fine art participants including painting, sculpture, pottery, metalwork, dance, music and readings.
Information and applications will be posted in January on their website: http://www.artinmac.org/ Their email contact is artinmac@gmail.com
Bandon Library Art Committee is seeking artists for exhibitions in both the Hallway Gallery and the Glass Cases during the 2013. You can also put your name on the list in case there are cancellations before then.
The art can be paintings, drawings, mixed media, photography, and the like; crafts, collections, small sculptures and/or jewelry for the cases. Please contact Alexis Proctor at alexis2101p@yahoo.com or call 541-329-0530.
Opportunity to Sell your Work:
Kathy from "Katherine's" in Pony Village Mall (south wing) is seeking artists to display art on Art Walk Thursdays from 5 - 8:00 p.m. each month.
The upcoming one is June 14th. The Mall will provide easels and tables. Other stores will be doing music and appetizers. There is no fee, no commission...it's FREE. Contact Kathy at 541-808-2248.
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