Wednesday, January 18, 2012

HR 3261

I don't usually pay much attention to politics, they don't do much and they don't address my needs so why should I pay any attention to them? Except every now and then, like right now.

Our legislators have decided to make the Internet one big police state with the guys at Google, Yahoo, and Facebook acting as policemen trying to protect the intellectual property rights of...the MPAA. That's the Motion Picture Association of America and they've decided that they are losing so much money to pirates they have to slap all of us with a new law. If they'd try making movies we wanted to see instead of the mean-spirited, low-brow comedies aimed at twelve year old boys maybe they'd be able to make a buck or two. No matter, as an artist and writer you can bet your sweet assets I want my intellectual property rights protected, but I am not so concerned about the MPAA. I certainly am not concerned enough to give up my rights so that they can get more fifteen buck theater tickets sold.

Yeah, I am pissed.

But I wouldn't want you to make an uninformed decision. So here's a thought, if Google is still working on your machine, they blacked out the service for a while to protest, do a search for HR 3261/S 968 and read up on these little whiny, sniveling, cry-baby, protectionist marvels and see if you think they are a good idea and if your life will be better with them guarding your freedoms.

If you do then I support your right to be wrong...

But if you don't here's a thought, take this link

Look up your representative and tell them what you think. Be nice, even though the other guys on this issue would just as soon shut you up without a fair chance to get in your licks we don't want to be just like them...

Oh yes in case you can't think of anything you want to say except whatintheheckareyouthinkingyoumoron
here's what I had to say...

I am contacting you today to voice my overwhelming opposition to the recently introduced legislation known as the Stop Online Piracy Act HR 3261/Protect IP Act S 968.

I am a writer and artist living on the South Coast of Oregon. My concern about protecting the intellectual property rights of creative people no matter what discipline they work in is no whim but a lifelong passion and commitment. The theft of a person’s creative efforts is the equivalent of murder of the soul. But in so saying I do not in any way compromise the absolute need for freedom of expression and the unrestricted flow of information.

The current legislation would be a devastating blow to the small, local artist trying to use the freedom of the Internet to carve out a financial niche. The cost of creative work is a burden artists accept with pride and they often work many jobs to supply the cash needed to buy the supplies they must have for their art. The Internet with its ability to connect to the greater world has been a boon to these struggling artists.

Under HR 3261/S 968 the artist’s access to tools like web pages and blogging would be barred. No provider could afford the risk of allowing thousands of individuals to build and maintain their own web pages if the supplier is forced to police the content. The physical burden of so much checking would require so many checkers the providers would bankrupt themselves trying to comply.

And comply they must under HR 3261/S 968 for the penalty for not doing so would be the Internet Death Penalty. They would face fines, shut down and permanent exclusion from the resources necessary to conduct their business. Under such conditions they would have no choice but to eliminate the risk of free access.

I write a blog about art. Under the proposed legislation I would be required to obtain and permanently keep prior written consent for every Call to Artists, press release, class newsletter and show announcement. If I repost a newsletter from another artist I would not only have to obtain their permission in writing but the consent of every person submitting an item to their newsletter.

This legislation is supported by the MPAA a desperate ploy to shore up flagging film sales by punishing the people who are not going to their movies. The MPAA has a long and sorry history of trying to promote Draconian legislation to protect an industry which insists on producing films that the public does not want to see.

Because this legislation does not benefit your constituents and because it is virtually un-enforceable and would wreck havoc on the Internet I urge you refuse to support HR 3261/S 968.

Roland Miranda

South Coast Trawler

And yes, you can copy it, distribute it, bend, fold, spindle and mutilate it with my blessing. You might think about changing the signature and not use The South Coast Trawler as your contact information, but then you might not.

I have said many times on this blog I support the rights of every artist to control their creations as they see best and to take vigorous action against those who would use property not their own for any purpose without obtaining the correct permissions. But I cannot see how preventing me from posting Ava Richey's newsletter will make art work more secure. I hope that Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter and the rest are successful in their attempt to turn back this dreadful legislation. How 'bout it, "We Shall Over Come" anyone? Darnit! I guess I should have gotten a release from the folks at BMI or is it ASCAP?

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