Thursday, October 20, 2011

Undead Beware

I'm ready for the Witching Hour and the Walking Dead, although I'm not completely sure garlic has the same effect on zombies as it does on vampires.

In Texas all I ever grew was dust, okay lavender. Here stick it in the ground and it grows, which makes me less sure that zombies are a myth, but that's a tale for another post, so even I can grow the aforementioned garlic.

My niece, the CPA, is a Garlic festival aficionado and goes to the festival every year and two years ago she brought me a gift of garlic, in a cute little bag complete with instructions for planting and raising.. I, secure in my "Black Thumb" planted the little cloves and brought forth...more garlic. This is a good thing 'cause I do love garlic and now I have the joy of eating my own, hand-raised garlic.

So before I threw down the gauntlet at you, I did my own "Work with what you got and don't wait on inspiration thingy" and took some pictures of a whole glass full of garlic.

Now I did run them through the photo processing program, but the effect is kinda nice and I offer it here as a demonstration that you don't need woodland nymphs to fire your muse, just a red glass and some stinky herbs.

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