Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Art of Adornment: Jewerly as Personal expression

So were you there for the reception? No, you cannot say that you went to the reception for the AWE and just couldn't make it. Ava and Victoria made it and they were in charge of the really big shew.

The work on display in Sage's boutique gallery was amazing and served as a clear reminder that art takes many forms.

Donna Wright had to take a closer look...

Everyone had an opinion...

Jardin was in the thick of it...

Ms Lyons was thrilled...

opinions were exchanged...

Even previous winners were there...

A BAAA past president, or two...

The Bad, Bead Girls of Florence were there...

Discussion broke out everywhere...

Sometimes it was just safer to hide out in the hall...

Ms Anne was there to cultivate artists and fans alike...

Even after all of the wonders the AWE had to offer you couldn't just leave without on last look.


  1. Yep I was there. I am one of the Bad Bead Girls from Florence. In fact I am in three of your wonderful photos here. My back in photo 1, I am the one with short dark hair in photo 8 (The Bad Bead Girls of Florence), and a great side view of me in photo 11. I guess I was just all over the place at the show. LOL. Thanks so much Ron.

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