Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Getting Out

I'm still a few weeks from being released to walk among you. The Croaker thinks my compromised immune system might be an easy target for bugs and beasties. But I am happy to report that the wild blood sugar swings I was having when I was released from the hospital have settled and I'm normal most of the time.

No silly just the blood sugar, I'm still nuts and have no immediate plans to change.

But not being allowed to mix and mingle doesn't mean I am a shut-in. I get to go all of the exotic places, like North Bend Medical Center and the new Walgreen, in North Bend Medical Center. And then there's the mall.

What you've been to the mall! I have. I have walked in through Sears and taken lunch there after my doctor's visits the last coupla weeks which is a good thing because it has allowed me to check out S. L. Donaldson's art and the Thirty Parks exhibit.

Okay, so pressing my nose against the glass isn't the proper way to see the art, but its all I can do right now.

And just for the record, the S. L. Donaldson triptych in the window across from Sears is worth the trip. I knew ole s.L. had a keen eye for color and the right palette for making that eye show up on canvas, but this subtle bit of magic in paint has a dreamy under sea feel and even to my weakened eye is a major accomplishment.

Now since I have just an hour window after the doctor finishes poking and prodding me, could the rest of you load up the mall so I can stay current? I'd appreciate it.

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