Sunday, September 11, 2011

Even the Halt and the Lame

You don't have to be as dedicated as Kellebird, braving the freezing marsh at half past dawn nor as imaginative as S. L. Donaldson with her fantastic color choices, you can just by venturing out into the wild and exotic places around your own home find great subjects just waiting for their chance to be immortalized.

I found these Naked Ladies posing in my own yard and what art fancier could pass up a chance to do raw and unretouched pictures of such wanton beauty?
That's what can happen even for the halt and the lame so long as you look and are willing to see. go find something and make your mark today. then if tomorrow never comes you'll have something for the archaeologists to marvel over fifteen thousand years from now!

1 comment:

  1. Such is the eye of a true artist. Able to appreciate as well as create. Glad you're out of the "woods" and seeing again!
