Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Morning After The Night Before

If you missed the Chair-ity Event at Pony Village Mall then you wasted a perfectly good Friday night doing something pointless like making out in a parked car on some deserted lane where The Hook was lurking and probably got you and the other person you were there making out with (Yes person cause it is entirely possible that that person was a person of the same gender as the person on the other side of the parked car and that is why you have to say person and not identify it by some degrading classification like sex which has nothing to do with identification but is probably why you were out in that parked car doing God alone knows what when you could have been getting your horizon's expanded and your mind engaged instead of doing something entirely physical and distracting and not at all intellectual and educational which brings us back to the persons in that parked car where you were last night!) and that is why you won't be reading this post and will miss out on a nifty, neat and cool site where you can read some really top notch poetry.

So go take a cold shower and then come back and take the link to and get some real improvements to your mind and then when Sunday comes around you will not feel like you have to go to church t make up for what you were doing in that parked car when you could have been at the Chair-ity Event.

And for those of you who did go, good on you and you got to hear the Ole Trawler recite and that is of course one of the most enlightening, mind expanding things you can do on any night much less a Friday night when you wouldn't be doing anything except making out with some stranger anyway.

So make up for all of that time you spent groping and panting in that parked car call Stephenie Donaldson and sponsor one of the chairs that has not yet been sponsored and then you will feel your heart swell with the Milk of Human Kindness long before the three ghosts of Christmas are scheduled to make their next appearance and you will not have to go to church with all of that guilt which you got doing that stuff you were doing in the parked car when you should have been at the Chair-ity Event!

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