Another Fantastic Event at Coos Art Museum, Saturday, January 16th.
From: Gail Elber []
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 9:35 PM
To: Gail Elber
Subject: PSA/News Release: Learn how violins are made Jan. 16 at Coos Art Museum
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 9:35 PM
To: Gail Elber
Subject: PSA/News Release: Learn how violins are made Jan. 16 at Coos Art Museum
COOS BAY — Gold Beach violin maker Fred Schacher will talk about the violins he makes and play them, as will violinist Amy Keusink, at 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 16 at Coos Art Museum. Handle the parts of a violin before they’re assembled and learn about what gives each violin its unique sound. After the presentation, Schacher will host a “playtime” with his violins for players of all ages.
A nurse and an accomplished musician, Schacher became interested in making violins after inheriting violins his father made. "I find great pleasure and satisfaction carving the parts and constructing the violin, knowing that someday, someone, somewhere will play music on one of my instruments and have the joy of music in their hands and heart,” Schacher said in a statement about his two violins on display in the “Musical Instruments @ Coos Art Museum” exhhibit.
Presentations continue every Saturday through Feb. 13. For a full schedule, plus videos about the 10 instrument makers in the exhibit, visit Admission to the museum is $5 general, $2 for students and seniors and free to Coos Art Museum members. The museum is at 235 Anderson Ave., Coos Bay. For more information, call Gail Elber, 541-808-1773.
Photo caption: Violin maker Fred Schacher plays one of his violins at his home in Gold Beach. 
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