Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Devil you say

There are places where you should go.

Okay the Seven Wonder of the ancient World are out…Egypt is in turmoil, The Great Wall of China not a good choice and if you go can you get back out? What about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or the Colossus of Rhodes? Late by about fifteen centuries give or take.

But you can still go to Seven Devils Public House and Brewing Company and you be right to do it and the rewards would be so good that you might never leave unless you got tossed out and then you might just have to sneak back in.

Now for those of you with eyes that don’t work so well at night there is good news. Seven Devils Public House is now open from eleven to late on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, if you go and spend all day there the chance that your eyes won’t work so well increases even if you aren’t older than dirt.

But the food and the beer will certainly tempt you to stay, linger, move in.

And the food and beer are just the tip of the ice berg, there’s the art! Oh yes, the beer is truly art and should be digested and mulled and quaffed, but there is also art on the walls.

The photographs are breath-taking, the pencil prints are amazing and you will want to take it all home but you can’t, well you can but it will cost you more than lunch.

Which would be a worthwhile investment if you don’t spend all your money on beer which you can also take home which is a very good idea and maybe that’s exactly what you should do instead of endangering folks by getting behind the wheel or worse yet hitting a bump and spilling it all over the front seat, and you can put it in a nifty, neat, and extremely cool Seven Devils Growler or Bomber and that will last even after you have guzzled all of the beer and then you can take it back and get it filled and have lunch and stare at the art and that will be a wonderful way to start a habit which will never have to be broken.

So art, food and beer and some very distinguished company if my visit is anything to judge by and don’t expect to hit and run cause this is not Mickey D’s and you can tell that because there are no happy meals and there is beer which you will not find at the Golden Arches and what are you doing going to those arches when you know that your doctor told you to cut it out and lose weight and you can’t do that with a Big Mac in one hand and a double chocolate malt in the other and besides that stuff is full of fat and calories and carbs and you’ll never get down to where the Quack wants you to be and no one but a sixteen year old girl could weight that much and you hate having to try and achieve something that you know you can’t do so don’t bother with the arches and go to Seven Devils where you can at least drown your sorrows in something that will make all the Quack’s whining go away so that you can enjoy a meal in peace.

Let’s review, good food, good people, good art and good beer, that just about covers it except what are you doing reading this and not getting in the car to head for Seven Devils Public House and Brewing Company?

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