Friday, September 20, 2013

Crescent City Flash

Just heard from Crescent City about the photography show, they wanted to remind everyone that the deadline for entry forms and fees is five o'clock P.M. Monday the 23.

Now I know all of my readers read the forms (RTF) and followed the instructions and did everything like they were supposed to cause you know how I harp on doing all you can to make things easy for folks who are nice enough to provide a place for us to show our work, so this is just a head's up for all of your pals who have been living under the rocks around the Coast.

Go rattle their gravel and make sure they know, cause there isn't much chance they have power to their rock and without power there is no Internet and even though hot showers are really nifty, neat and cool, going without Internet is worse than death.

Last chance, you do it tonight and you can still be there for the start of the big-time, important Pre Run!

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