Saturday, August 27, 2011

Speeding Bus

Open letter to all South Coast Trawler readers:

If you haven’t noticed the posting to the Trawler has been very erratic for the last two weeks. That’s because I had a sudden and unexpected attack of gall stones. Not to be too dramatic, but this was the “speeding bus.” I never saw it coming and it hit pretty hard.

Writing a blog is blind business; you make up a new post each day and wait to see if anyone is going to read it. From time to time people send in postings they want to see go up so you know that they are watching, but beyond that it is hard to tell if you are reaching anyone.

Try missing a few days and the response will shock you, it did me. Distinguished artists, prominent galleries, teaching studios, folks who ought to be far too busy to bother have flooded the Trawler inbox with words of support and encouragement.

And in the end, I am back at the keyboard pecking out one more post (Okay not just one more, but the sound was better if you say one.)

And this post is a great, big, happy face to all of the artists and merchants who sent in their kind words and best wishes. Thank you one and all, I cannot express how much this meant to me and my long-suffering, lady wife, who has had the worry and chores to deal with while I lay like a beached jelly-fish.

The South Coast has the most cohesive, supportive arts community in Oregon. It means a lot to be a part of that community.

1 comment:

  1. Never doubt the effect and reach of your words and your encouragement, Ron. Way beyond Sough Coast, OR. Welcome back!
