Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Big Bunny Hops

No, it has nothing to do with Hugh Hefner's birthday, although I do wish him well, I don't think his birthday is anywhere near Easter.

I hope you had a happy Easter and your hutch was filled with friends and family and of course I hope all of your eggs were golden.

So let's talk about eggs, some golden and some not. A very nice person came up to me this week and said, "I went to your site but I couldn't make anything of it. I thought it was like your homepage and had all of your art and stuff."

That was a very nice surprise. I never thought anyone would care to see my art so it was surprising. And no The South Coast Trawler is not my home page. (I probably would have a hard time filling even one page much less an online gallery.) I never planned for The South Coast Trawler to be about me at all. It is about art and art happenings around the South Coast. Now I do sometimes figure in that art scene, but I try to keep this from becoming a place where one artist brags and everyone else applauds.

In fact I try to do two things cheer everyone else on to bigger and better things and get the word out about what everyone is doing. So no, this isn't a place where I post my own art.

But this being Easter and a day of rest, I thought I would post a coupla things I have been experimenting with so that you'd appreciate how much you like not hearing what I am doing!

I can't enter the Maritime show, I'm not a painter, but I did do a maritime piece. I think it has sort of a nice touch and I hope the Coasties like it.

And I like Charleston, so even the gas shack has a sort of appeal for me.

And of course since its egg rolling day what else but a field of whatever they are a field of.

So have a Happy Easter and tomorrow we'll go back to REAL art.

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