There was no waiting at the check-in table...

Karen C kept track of all of the comings and goings...

Stephen made all of the obligatory speeches...

There was serious talk...

Happy talk...

The Glitterati...

and volunteers...

a celebrity artist or two...

a celebrity dignitary who wouldn't claim it for the world...

and plenty of smiles for one and all.
Now aren't you sorry you stayed home to watch Medium and missed out on all of the fun. But don't mope, there's still a chance for you to have your very own piece of the fun. I know Stephen and Archi would love to receive a donation or a gift or a land grant or a mention in a will, so don't drag your feet, if you missed out on all of the fun get thee to the Coos Art Museum and give and give and give. Then you can go to the reception of the CAM Biennial with a clear conscious and only feel bad that you didn't get your own piece ready for the show. (Oh good grief, there's another one coming, just download the forms and get the picture framed, the Fish/Fishing show deadline in October the ninth. You don't want to have to say that you let the Big One get away, right?)
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