Friday, September 17, 2010

Autumn at Easy Lane Frames & Select Art Gallery by Jane Snoddy

We all know that these can be discouraging times, but if we all pull together and support one another we can make the most of it. We are hoping that each artist will take the time to personally invite their friends and neighbors to attend art openings, special shows and classes offered. Many people respond when they receive that personal invitation. One of the first things that you can invite others to attend is ArtWalk on the second Thursday of each month. Without the help of the media it is difficult to get the word out. ArtWalk is a pleasant evening with refreshments, guest artists to meet and just time to leisurely stroll through the galleries and other venues open for this event. All the businesses need your support, even if you are just looking and finding inspiration. I know that the 50 local artists that we represent would appreciate your support and encouragement.

Our new show, entitled “Who Am I?”, features the work of emerging artist Kenneth “Jaymi” Pembroke. Jaymi was born in San Bernardino, CA and raised in this area through middle school. His first art show was in the fifth grade when his work was displayed outside his classroom. I had the pleasure of having him as an art student at North Bend Jr. High. He was interested in every facet of art and loved a challenge. Jaymi returned to California where he studied art in high school and continued to earn certificates in visual merchandising and fashion design. He participated in designing and creating two distinct lines, one for women and one for men, for a student fashion show. Jaymi returned to our area and I’ve had the pleasure of having him in watercolor class for the last three years. His work has grown in leaps and bounds. His specialty has been the female form and impressionistic work. He likes to take cartoon and comic book characters and create fresh, new portraits. Come to see some of his latest works from the ‘80’s pop culture cartoon series. Jaymi will have prints and cards available in the gallery. Here is your chance to meet and encourage an exciting new artist during ArtWalk on October 14th from 5:00-8:00 PM.

When you are getting ready to frame or mat your next article we hope that you will give us a chance to bid on it. We are a full service matting and framing business. We give 10% off for all students, BAAA and CVAA members, plus the military. Let’s see if we can save you some money and still make your work stand out from the crowd.

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