International Deadline: September 30, 2010 - To celebrate our 35th anniversary, New York's 'Professional Women Photographers' invites all women photographers - non-members and members, amateur and professional to submit entries. Jurors Elinor Carucci and Stephen Perloff will award $3000 in prizes and the Grand Prize image will appear on the cover of 'Imprints Magazine' Fall/Winter issue.
Photographs will also be exhibited at New York’s Soho Photo gallery from June 1-June 14, 2011.
Winners will be selected from four categories. Submissions may be made to more than one category, but an entry fee will be charged for each category entered. The categories are:
Selected images will be seen by an international audience of collectors, curators, art consultants and others who appreciate fine art photography.
These images, as well as 20 Jurors’ Selections, will be exhibited in a two-week group show at New York’s Soho Photo gallery from June 1 – June 14, 2011 and in on online exhibition on the PWP website for six months, November 15, 2010 – May 15, 2011. An additional 30 images selected for Honorable Mention will also be included in the PWP online Exhibition.
Grand Prize: One photographer will receive $600 and have their image on the cover of IMPRINTS Magazine 2010 Fall/Winter issue. IMPRINTS Magazine, the official publication of PWP, is published in hard copy and online editions. The image will be in the Soho Photo gallery show and the PWP online exhibition.
First Prizes: 4 photographers (one in each category) will receive $300 and their selected image will appear in the Fall/Winter issue of IMPRINTS Magazine. Their image will be in the Soho Photo gallery show and PWP online exhibition.
Second Prizes: 4 photographers (one in each category) will receive $200 and their image will appear in IMPRINTS Fall/Winter issue. Their image will be in the Soho Photo gallery show and PWP online exhibition.
Third Prizes: 4 photographers (one in each category) will receive $100 and their image will appear in the Fall/Winter issue of IMPRINTS. Their image will be exhibited in the Soho Photo gallery show and PWP online exhibition.
Jurors’ Selections: 20 additional images will be included in the New York City group exhibition and the PWP online exhibition.
Honorable Mention: 37 additional images will be included in the PWP online gallery exhibition.
This Call for Entries is open to all women photographers, non-members and members, amateur and professional. PWP invites women photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought to participate. Experimental and mixed techniques are welcome. Only 2-D work is eligible and must be limited in Framed Size to 24 x 30 inches.
Elinor Carucci is an internationally recognized photographer whose photographs are in the collections of The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the Brooklyn Museum of Art and the Houston Museum of Fine Art. Her work has appeared in such prestigious publications asThe New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Details, New York Magazine, W, Aperture, and Artnews. She has had solo exhibitions at the Edwynn Houk Gallery, Fifty One Fine Art Gallery, James Hyman Gallery and London’s Gagosian Gallery. Group shows include The Museum of Modern Art in New York and The Photographer’s Gallery in London.
In 2002, Chronicle Books published Carucci’s first monograph, Closer, which is now available in a second edition with an introduction by Susan Kismaric, Curator, Department of Photography, MoMA. Her second monograph, Diary of a Dancer was published by SteidlMack in 2005. She currently teaches photography at the graduate program of School of Visual Arts.
Stephen Perloff is the editor of The Photo Review which he founded in 1976, editor of The Photograph Collector, and editor of Focus Magazine. He has taught photography and the history of photography, and was the recipient of the Sol Mednick Award for 2000 for Photographic Education and the first annual Vanguard Award from the Philadelphia Center for the Photographic Image in 2007.
He has curated more than 20 exhibitions, including the Woodmere Art Museum Photography Triennial in 2009/2010. His photographs have appeared in numerous exhibitions and reside in many museum and private collections.
The entry fee is $35 for the first three images. Additional images may be submitted for $10 each. The same image may be submitted to more than one category.
Click on this link to enter.
Create your account.
Pay your entry fee. Payments are made online by credit card.
Upload your images to the categories you select. (After payment, you can upload images at any time until the competition closes.)
Any questions, email open.calls@pwponline.org
Prepare your images as required before beginning the submission process. Submissions are only accepted via the online process. Submissions as email attachments, on CD, or prints are not allowed in this competition and will not be returned. Digital image files must meet the following specifications: 8 bit JPEG files (CMYK and 16 bits files will not be uploaded), the largest dimension should be 1280 pixels (width or height), resolution of 72 ppi, JPG compression quality of 7 or 8. Images will be viewed by the jurors as RGB images; therefore Adobe RGB or SRGB profiles should be used.
File names may contain a maximum of 25 characters, not counting .jpg. The file name may not include characters such as #, $, &, periods or other similar characters as part of the file, and should start with your name, then your first initial, and then the name of the file. There will be only one period in the file name, just prior to the file extension (i.e. Smith_J_filename.jpg). It's important to follow these instructions about the file name to allow the right storage into the image database.
Image title may not exceed 40 characters. Please note that image title is the name of the artwork, not the file name.
Everyone whose image is chosen for the exhibitions will receive an email notification of the accepted image(s).
Entries due: September 30, 2010
Notice of Acceptance: October 25, 2010
Online Exhibition: November 15, 2010 through May 15, 2011
Soho Photo gallery exhibition: June 1 – 14, 2011
All accepted images submitted for exhibition must be printed and framed professionally. PWP recognizes that some work is non traditional and incorporates the framing as an integral part of the presentation. To encourage participation by photographers from around the world, PWP offers optional discounted printing, matting and framing services. Specific information on these exhibition services will be sent to the selected photographers with their notification of acceptance.
All work accepted for the gallery show must be for sale. PWP will receive a 20% commission on the sale of any work.
By submission for jurying, artists whose submissions are chosen for the exhibition grant PWP the right to use their images for the purpose of marketing the exhibition and other PWP programs. Artists grant the use of their image(s) as stated without further contact or compensation from PWP. Artist’s recognition is provided with any use.
Professional Women Photographers, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) organization incorporated in the State of New York.
Copy of this Prospectus can be viewed on the sponsors website at www.pwponline.org
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