This Sunday we have a unique opportunity to celebrate art on the South Coast; the Southern Coos Hospital opens its Pelicans show and later in the same afternoon Sage Gallery opens the Moving MAG show.
Now in and of themselves these two shows would be special. The Pelicans show is so diverse if you don’t wonder why you didn’t enter you probably did. The Moving MAG show gives us a chance to see the unique “eye” of Anne Sobbota.
Southern Coos Hospital provides the art enclave of the South Coast with so many events where artists can show their work and meet their audience that one more is just a splash in a puddle. But like any splash the ripples travel far and make all that see stop and watch for a minute.
We’re fortunate to live where pelicans aren’t strange and mythological beasts, they are part of our environment and part of our lives and as artists with the exception of our own reflection, they offer a steady and reliable source of patient models. They are funny, dramatic, majestic and beautiful, and the under-fed children working for Victoria’s Secret can’t say that.
So come, join Victoria and Susan as they unveil the wonderful world of Pelicans.
And then when you are dazed and confused by all of the variations clever artists can find in a single theme, come to Sage Gallery and see what a single artist can do with a theme most would just pass by.
Anne Sobbota is tireless in her devotion to art and the art of the South Coast. The Sage Gallery is one of the most beautiful and brilliantly designed galleries on the South Coast. It is a boutique gallery making use of a small space in a way that many would have rejected as hopeless. In addition Anne is an art educator with deep knowledge and wide-ranging experience. And now she reveals the inspired “Eye” of an artist. With all of those tools maybe we should urge Anne to deal with the financial crisis, couldn’t take enough of her time to close Sage for half a day.
The Moving MAG show is worth a trip without the inducement of The Pelicans show, so go and get a two for one treat. Bandon may be by the sea, but it is the place to be this Sunday.
Thank you for your blog, I enjoy reading your witty sentences, sometimes I have to read one twice and laugh out loud in surprise. Well, I'm happy 'cause it's Spring at last and to me all birds are "dramatic, majestic and beautiful." But I inhale (typo, but I like it) to say I like those Victoria Secret's Angel bras. Now, I'm on my way outside to hang cotton balls in the tree for the hummers. See you at the shows, save me an isle seat.