Sunday, February 16, 2014

Body Parts

Okay, first thing business before pleasure, this morning I was walking the horrible Hound of the Mirandavilles at Charleston cause she makes too much noise to walk in a neighborhood if you want any of your neighbors to ever speak to you again which is only part of the reason cause there are neighbors who have never spoken to me and I wouldn’t want them to if they were so inclined and that is why I don’t walk the monstrous Hound in the neighborhood.

So there I was walking while the Long Sufferin’ was busy takin pictures when she yelled, “Did you lose part of your camera?” This cause immediate panic to set in I have only had the Pentax since November and I like it and wouldn’t want to lose any part of it so soon or ever if it comes down to that and there she was telling me I had carelessly lost a part of the camera so I stopped walking and started looking and let the Hound wander unsupervised until the Long Sufferin yelled “Where’s the Hound?”

Two things happened, some seagulls got rousted cause the Hound was unsupervised and upon closer inspection I discovered that I had not lost any part of the Pentax and so I was a much happier camper and could let the dire imprecations the Long Sufferin was heaping on my head cause the unsupervised hound had gone and rousted a seagull slide past without so much as a moments thought.

After the worst of the spousal abuse had waned I found that the Long Sufferin had in deed found a camera part lying around in the parking lot and I pocketed it and came home. (We had plans for the afternoon so we could not linger and there was no one in the parking lot except for the rousted seagulls and they didn’t look at all interested in photography and it was colder than a witch’s unspecified anatomical gender specific body part although I have never understood just why a witch’s would be any colder than any other and I was sort of under the impression that most folks having that sort of thing had strong opinions about just how cold they would be willing to let them get and so this is an expression I have never completely understood but it was cold.)

After going to the reception at Pacific Park Gallery where the art of Janne Lavalle, Paula Ries and Debbie Olsen was on display and very fine art it was and deserved a much longer look than I was able to give it cause there were any number of folks I had to speak with and the nice hammered dulcimer lady was there and she had brought along a penny whistle which in the hands of an expert makes wonderful music and makes you ask, quiet properly, just why is it called a penny whistle and not by a name more suited to the fantastic music it makes, I had to go home to my fuzzy slippers and the remote and take a load off and that is where I had a chance to take a second look at the part the Long Sufferin found in the parking lot.

It is a Canon body cap, PC-GF30 and they tell me after a bit of quick research on the ole Internet they sell for six bucks and I am sure that since none of the seagulls claimed it someone lost it out of their camera bag and they are looking for it and want it back and since they have a Canon camera and can affords to buy another one in no time at all but then why should they when I have it and want to give it back and I use Pentax equipment and so the Canon body cap won’t fit on any of my stuff and it will just collect dust and that’s why I am bothering you with it instead of writing about art like I am supposed to and so if you happen to know or hear or find out who lost their Canon PC-GF30 body cap at Charleston on Sunday morning instead of being in church where they should have been please ask them to give me a call or an email or a passenger pigeon.

I really would like to return this little bit of Canon equipment and hope that should I start dropping body parts some kind person would do the same for me.

And just to show you that I know what I am talking about I’m leaving you with links to the artists on display at Pacific Park Gallery and you can get a hint of what is there and then you should go tomorrow and see for yourself what you missed today and then you can wallow in the shame of having missed the opportunity to rub elbows with such talented people and maybe next time when you see that there is going to be a reception you won’t skip the chance to be recepted.


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