Friday, December 21, 2018

Plans for the New Year

T'was the Friday 'fore Christmas and all through the house every creature was stirring including the mouse, the Internet was buzzing, Amazon was swamped and the USPS was really getting thumped, the stockings were wrapped with diligent care in hopes that the recipient wouldn't be scared and I in my big chair and Ma in her cups had just fizzled out not caring was'up, when then like a light bulb an idea appeared and all of my doubts suddenly cleared, there's gold on the way cause the kids just got paid and the after Christmas, (Hanukkah or Kwanzaa), sales are not far away, so shake like jelly and turn off the telly, put on your Nikes and drag out the bikes and find a real camera...

I know it doesn't rhyme but I got tired and this isn't about seasonal poetry, but about getting you fixed for the New Year.

I know you thought I forgot all about my annual nag, but no I was just waiting cause you do not want to buy a camera before the holiday.

And the news is good, really, really good.

When I started bitching about getting you a real camera the best I could offer was a twelve megapixel camera for around two hundred, but time has not stood still and for that same two hundred you can get a sixteen megapixel camera!

So for all of you size queens there is a bright new day coming. But for the rest who just want the best for the least and could care less about wall-sized prints Let's talk

I am still a big believer in the Pentax K-x. It was my first and I liked it so much I got another one for The Long Sufferin'. (Darn kid, she now takes better pictures than I do...sometimes.)

The Pentax K-x is a twelve megapixel DSLR, digital single lens reflex, camera. It has all the bells and whistles of the High-priced spread at a price you can pay without taking out a second mortgage!

And it uses AA batteries for power! Now if you have ever been ready to shoot a once in a lifetime photo and discovered to your horror you forgot to recharge the camera battery, you know why double A's are such a big deal. Yes, I know new batteries are much more user friendly, they can be topped up without destroying the full capacity and they charge fairly fast, but of you need it NOW fast won't do. Or you get to that vacation spot where you have waited decades to go to and the camera won't fire. But you can find Double A's anywhere. And then you won't miss out on The Thing on the Couch falling off the paddle board when the shark is right behind him. (Naw sharks like healthy food and you know the Thing has been parked so long eating chips and salsa and watching football no self-respecting shark will bite him.)

And if you use the Energizer Lithium you'll have to change only once a year. (I click a lot more frames than you do and I haven't had to change the batteries in over a year.)

The Pentax K-x is also rugged. It is made for REAL people to use so it will “Take a lickin and keep on ticking.” I had the pleasure of missing a step on the front porch and taking a header. Unfortunately I had the Pentax in my hot little hands and it was caught between my big, fat body and the unforgiving porch! Oops! Scraped DSLR. No, the camera was fine and that was two years ago and it is still firing away. (MY body did not get off as light, I had bruised ribs for four weeks.)

Pretty sharp for a camera which was part of a prat fall sandwich!

The K-x will do more than you can for a bunch of years and will still have secrets to revel when you develop a burning desire for a newer camera and the best part is you paid under two hundred!

In fact Amazon has one for one hundred and forty nine dollars and it is on Prime so there's two day, no coast shipping for Prime members. (And why are you not a Prime member? Are you an anarchist or Luddite or a technophobe? Get with the program and be a Prime member and save the Post Office all that backbreaking labor. UPS pays a living wage and they need us to keep their workers slaving away.)

Twelve megapixels, Double A batteries and thousands of legacy lenses and all for a C and a half, com-on that is a deal what you can't refuse!

And if you really want that sixteen megapixel camera there's a Pentax k-30 for $222 at KEH so you can make wall-sized prints if you just have to.

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