Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The end is near.

I was going to talk about other scary things like being available to the community at large and finding projects for all of the artists on the South Coast to participate in, but then a reindeer reminded me that the end is near.

And it is. Your CAM membership is about to expire. “Oh come-on, I just survived the holiday, my Master Card looks like the new stimulus package and I'm exhausted and frazzled and in no shape to make complex financial decisions.”

But you have to, time is almost up and there are bunches and bunches of you who haven't renewed your membership. “Not this year, times are hard and I don't really use the membership and I have so much to do there's no time and with spring just around the corner I'll be out in the dirt planting, it's just a waste of money.”

Are you listening to yourself? You're coming to the Expressions West exhibit. You know you won't miss the Maritime Exhibit. And what about all of those unique and special exhibits our clever Director Steven Broocks has conjured up, you planning on sitting them out too? If you come to just three event or openings you'll make back the cost of joining and have the satisfaction of being a member. (You are planning on bringing your SO, that's how I figured three events and if you aren't I have just two words for you: Lorena Bobbitt.)

Besides members get prime rates on classes, advanced news of shows, events and general, all 'round good times and you wouldn't want to be out of town visiting your maiden Aunt Hespethabuh, when you could be rubbing elbows with the hoi-polloi, right? (You do know that the hoi don't just rub elbows with anyone. You have to be at least a shaker if not mover to even see a hoi and then to have intimate contact with one, well that's just not something anyone can do.) So isn't that worth the price of a membership?

Yes, I do know that this is dragging on and on like one of those pledge breaks on PBS and you just want to get the use of your computer so that you can lay down your bets for the New Year's Day, I won't say a word and you are really practicing higher mathematics and not playing a dangerous game of chance, so do yourself a favor, call, write or email in your membership and then you can forget about the babble of discontent coming form the Ole Trawler and go about your business like you didn't have a care in the world.

And when the New Year comes and those games get played and you don't win you can console yourself with your CAM membership card. In fact why don't you speak to the office about becoming a Life member and then you won't have to deal with this every year? And I'd give the points. The Ducks will either blow them tigers out to sea or they'll fall apart and giving the points is the smart play so right after you fill out your membership card and write the check, call your bookie.

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