Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Turn in Your Theme

Submission Deadline June 9th 
Exhibit from July 7 - Sept 9, 2017 

Open and free to all UVAA Artist Members!

It's that time of year again when all the members of the Umpqua Valley Arts Association submit their work to create a diverse showing of recent artwork in the Hallie Brown Ford, Red, Gallery II and Corridor Galleries. This is a wonderful way for artist members to share their ideas, successes, and progress collectively. 

Not a Member? 
There's still time to sign up or renew your membership and get into the show. Visit our Membership Page to get started.

Before you submit your work:
Make sure your UVAA membership is current at the time of sending your registration; call Katharine Jackson at the Arts Center if you're unsure at 541-672-2532 or email her at operations@uvarts.com.